Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Celebration Preparations!!!

I'm so excited that Abby is old enough to celebrate Easter with us this year! I wanted to start off her Easter celebrations the right way so I came up with a creative little Easter day activity that should make her smile and maybe a few things from the Easter story will stick with her after this. I read over the Easter story a few times and picked out a few of the details that I could make sense of on her level. I wrote a short, simpler version of the first Easter and made a few visuals for her to play with as I read each part of the story. I made all the little bags myself, one for each little piece of the story. Then I will scatter them in the yard (of course she will get some candy too!) and after she gathers the, all up in her basket we'll go inside and open each one as I read the little cards I made.

There is a HEART, that stands for how much God loves us and why he sent His son for us.

There is a little JESUS ( i know, but it's the best doll I could make: ).

There is a cloth to show how Jesus was wrapped in a cloth and a TOMB ( actually just stones :) hehe to show where Jesus was buried. And also I'll use the cloth again to show what was left in the tomb after Jesus had risen. And the three is for the third day when he rose!

This is how I wrote the little story pages..
God loves us so much!
When God created people, He created them to be like Him.
Satan is Gods enemy. He wants people to disobey God. When people disobey God They are called sinners. But God even loves sinners! He wants them to be sorry for sinning and to live with Him in heaven.
So, God sent his very own special son Jesus to the earth. Jesus died on a cross to pay for our sins so that we would not have to die when we sin.
Jesus was wrapped in a cloth and laid in a tomb when he died. Three days later Jesus' friends went back to the tomb. Jesus body was not there! The cloth that Jesus was wrapped in was in the tomb but NO JESUS!!!! He went back to heaven to be with God just like he had promised He would.
Now we know that one day we can go to live with Jesus in heaven too!!!

1 comment:

Katy said...

i love how you did that!!! so sweet! :)