Sunday, March 23, 2008

What a Day!

Well, Abby had so much fun hunting for "treasures" in the yard. Mom got most of the pictures on her camera because DH and I were busy helping Abby find her treasures. She was so excited about the whole ordeal and when we finally came in the house to open all the little treasure bags, she really made all my work worth while!

She was a really good sport about waiting to eat candy until AFTER the Easter story.

And After a little football, kickball, and playin' in the back yard... Abby and Granny decided to take a break in the baby pool!

Hope everyone's easter was blessed!


Katy said...

Oh it looks soo nice and warm where you are!!! WOW! It is freezing here in PA! Luckily the snow is melting though! Looks like you guys really enjoyed your Easter!!! :)

Beemoosie said...

What sweet memories!!! Abby is at such a fun age, though every age is good with your kiddos...always kinda miss those toddler years though!!
Yes, you look much warmer down there than we are up here!