Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"Lets Take a Sick Day Mommy!"

Don't let the sleepy smile fool you...Abbys sick days are full of every kind of excitement! I agreed with Abby though, we definitely need a few "sick days" to rest and goof off. After a night with an upset tummy and an achy body, she needed a little bit of time to recover so, I snuggled Abby up in an old Tshirt of mine and we watched tv and cuddled up on the couch for most of the day. After a while we just couldn't sit still any longer so we baked up a batch of brownies and munched on them until bedtime. I really didn't get a whole lot done yesterday as far as housework but I did get to spend some much needed snuggle time with my baby girl!


Autumn said...

2 of my favorite girls!!
How sweet!!!I just want to snuggle her up too Bekah!!!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

What a sweet little poppet! Housework comes & goes, but those snuggles will last forever! Hope she is feeling better.