Monday, March 31, 2008

What's on YOUR fridge???

One of my MOST favorite craft blogs to visit is go check it out sometime! This gal is Soooooo creative and she always has SOMETHING in the works. Anyway, I am continuing her challenge to "show my fridge". Anyone else up for it? Here is my fridge...Lets see, there are two pink scripture cards in the left corner, a Christmas photo card from my husbands dad, on the green clip is a copy of DDs shot records, a speeding ticket(ooopps! what can i say, I drive it like i stole it???", and a cutting from a magazine of a hairdo I wanted to try. Other side is a picture of DH and his brothers when they were little, a picture of DD in the tub when she was about 3 months old, a spring magnet I got in a Springtime swap, a lab bill, a list of dinners for the month, a baggie with ideas form magazine on how to decorate the house, a notepad, a duck magnet, and 19 letter magnets for DD! Now, lets see YOUR fridge pics!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Inspired by Springtime?

Well, Dh and I knocked out two rooms in about 8 hours total. I got the colors mixed last night and we finished painting Abbys room at about 11:30pm. I haven't gotten everything back in its place yet but I'll post more pics when we get everything set up. Also, we painted our room early this morning so I should have everything back in that room tonight. You will not even GUESS what color OUR room is!!! I'll just give you a looks like our house has been dipped in "EASTER" !

Abbys Room- I have lots of decorating ideas for her room but for now, I'm just happy to have it painted!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easy Stir Fry Recipe

This is a really fast and easy meal for a busy night! It's a regular on my menu!

4 boneless skinless chicken breast
3 tablespoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
3 tablespoon cooking oil
1 bag frozen stir-fry veggies
1 cup of water
1 teaspoon chicken bouillon granuals

Cut chicken into 1/2 inch strips. Place in a resealable plastic bag. Add cornstarch and toss to coat. Combine soy sauce and garlic powder and add to bag; shake well. Refrigerate for 30 mins.
In large skillet heat 2 tablespoons of oil. Stir fry chicken until no longer pink ( about three to five minutes) Remove from pan and keep warm. Add remaining oil and vegitables and stir fry until tender crisp. Add water and boullion. Return chicken to pan. Cook and stir until thickened and bubbly. Serve over rice.

Let me know if you try it and like it!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Decorative Kitchen Cloth

I stitched this little embroidered kitchen cloth while I was outside soaking up the sunshine with Abby this morning.

The colors aren't really my style but when I started stitching I really didn't know what it was going to end up "becoming".

I just decided to keep it simple so I hemmed the edges under by hand and made it into a decorative kitchen cloth to hang on the front of the oven or on my plate rack.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Back to work!

Well, I have been busy with things other than crafting so I guess Im gonna get back in the groove tonight. I have a list of sewing and crafting projects that should keep me busy for a year or three :) Let's see, I STILL have to put some final touches on the fairy dress that Abby will be wearing in April, also, I have seven or eight little crayon rolls to make for the other little fairys as thank you gifts for being in the wedding, I have a kitty pillow to start( might start that tonight or tomorrow), I have a pillow case dress in mind that I want to make for Abby, I am in the very beginning of cutting out and embroidering some "tea cloths", and I should be painting and decorating Abbys room in May sometime. I have SOOOO many great ideas I'm having trouble remembering them all. I have found so much inspiration from my crafting buddies blogs and such. Speaking of forgetting good ideas, I also plan on making an inspiration bulletin board to hang in our office so I can stick all my good ideas and color palettes there. Should be another fun little crafty thing.
Well, I'm going to get my ironing board and my scissors out! Check back with me to see if I've made any progress!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

What a Day!

Well, Abby had so much fun hunting for "treasures" in the yard. Mom got most of the pictures on her camera because DH and I were busy helping Abby find her treasures. She was so excited about the whole ordeal and when we finally came in the house to open all the little treasure bags, she really made all my work worth while!

She was a really good sport about waiting to eat candy until AFTER the Easter story.

And After a little football, kickball, and playin' in the back yard... Abby and Granny decided to take a break in the baby pool!

Hope everyone's easter was blessed!

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I just received some GORGEOUS pillow cases in the mail today, thanks to THE SUGAR PLUM COTTAGE! I entered a drawing and won! They are absolutely wonderful and very detailed stitching and embroidery work. Take a look for yourself!

And of course they look best laid atop my beautiful wedding quilt that mom made for us!

Thanks you so much for being such a generous "blogger"! Everybody go by and visit the Sugar Plum Cottage at!

Still getting ready!

Abby is still busy preparing all of our Easter treats! Tonight she was busy making chocolate dipped pretzels with blue and green frosting drizzled over.

MMMMM! They look so yummy!

And this is just a little end table in my living room. I rescued an Easter lily from Kroger today. They were regularly 15$ and this poor baby was on sale for 2$. I guess it's not in good shape but I just think it needs a little TLC...don't you?
Notice the wool table mat? My mom made that for me when I moved back to Louisiana after living in Dallas for several months. I just LOVE it on my table and it stays there all year long, but it just has something extra SpRiNgY about it with that Lily on top~
Hope everyone's Easter eve is a great one! Don't stay up too late cooking!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter Celebration Preparations!!!

I'm so excited that Abby is old enough to celebrate Easter with us this year! I wanted to start off her Easter celebrations the right way so I came up with a creative little Easter day activity that should make her smile and maybe a few things from the Easter story will stick with her after this. I read over the Easter story a few times and picked out a few of the details that I could make sense of on her level. I wrote a short, simpler version of the first Easter and made a few visuals for her to play with as I read each part of the story. I made all the little bags myself, one for each little piece of the story. Then I will scatter them in the yard (of course she will get some candy too!) and after she gathers the, all up in her basket we'll go inside and open each one as I read the little cards I made.

There is a HEART, that stands for how much God loves us and why he sent His son for us.

There is a little JESUS ( i know, but it's the best doll I could make: ).

There is a cloth to show how Jesus was wrapped in a cloth and a TOMB ( actually just stones :) hehe to show where Jesus was buried. And also I'll use the cloth again to show what was left in the tomb after Jesus had risen. And the three is for the third day when he rose!

This is how I wrote the little story pages..
God loves us so much!
When God created people, He created them to be like Him.
Satan is Gods enemy. He wants people to disobey God. When people disobey God They are called sinners. But God even loves sinners! He wants them to be sorry for sinning and to live with Him in heaven.
So, God sent his very own special son Jesus to the earth. Jesus died on a cross to pay for our sins so that we would not have to die when we sin.
Jesus was wrapped in a cloth and laid in a tomb when he died. Three days later Jesus' friends went back to the tomb. Jesus body was not there! The cloth that Jesus was wrapped in was in the tomb but NO JESUS!!!! He went back to heaven to be with God just like he had promised He would.
Now we know that one day we can go to live with Jesus in heaven too!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Put on your big girl panties!!!!

I have seen so many of these cute little ruffled training pants and since we ARE making progress with potty training Abby, I figured it was time to put her in her BIG GIRL PANTIES! I bought a 3 pack of Gerber brand training pants and just added a ruffle on the leg openings, a few decorative stitches right on the seamline at the legs and a tiny little ribbon at the top...just like REAL panties : )

"Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!"

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Princess Abby !

This is a first glance at the baby fairy dress that Abby is wearing in my sisters wedding in April. I bought a pattern but it wasn't exactly what I wanted so i strayed a little and created my own little fairy dress pattern. The pink satin overlay is by the pattern but I am still deciding whether I am going to actually let her wear that over the tutu bottom, or just put a leotard top under the tutu and let her go simple. I think the overlay takes away from the sweet tutu. It's all still in the works so let meknow what you think about wearing the overlay or not. I think Abby just sparkles when she gets to try it on!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

This is just a little look at the Canvas that Leezard ( Elizabeth) won in my drawing a few weeks ago. It is going along with a farm themed baby room for her soon-to-be-arriving niece or nephew! They don't know if they are having a boy or a girl so I kept it neutral. I think it turned out nicely!

Sharing my BLOG findings!

I just came across one of the collest sewing blogs. This gal has so many sewing projects going on and she has some very inspiring pics. Something for everyone! She makes aprons, baby dresses, stuffed dolls, kitchen accesories, car accesories EVERYTHING! Check it out at

Friday, March 14, 2008

Spring Cleaning Giveaway at "The Simple Woman"!

Everybody head on over to "The Simple Woman" Blog where you will find a wonderfuly tempting prize to be given away on the first day of spring. This is such a sweet Blog! Scroll through the posts and look for a poem called "clothesline"...I really enjoyed reading it! Here is the link so you can go and enter the drawing! Happy "almostt" SPRING!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thank you Lainey!

Everyone is having such a good time getting set for Spring and what better way to get in the mood than with a SPRING FLING SWAP at Mary Janes Farm!!!! Lainey and I swapped Spring goodies and I have to say, she must have known I have quite a sweet tooth! I got tons of cute "springy Thingys"!

I got TONS of yummy Easter Candy, two pages of adorable spring flower stickers, three packets of seeds ( I better get busy plantin'!), an EggPlant starter, a pack of spring notecards, a sweet blue bunny and a little felt Easter bag ( hard to see it in the picture : ( ), two jeweled easter egg ornaments, and a super super cute fridge magnet that has a spring on the back and everytime you open the fridge it wobbles and jiggles and makes me laugh! I think I will have to share the candy with Abby but HANDS off all my other treasures! Thanks so much Lainey! You are the sweetest! I just love everything you sent me! I'm in the spring cleaning mood now so I better start cleaning SOMETHING!!!!

See my little springy wiggly magnet!?!?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Crayon roll for KAYLEE!!!

Just another crayon roll I made for one of Andrews cousins 2nd birthday...I stitched her name on the bottom.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Color Cozy!

I made a "color cozy" for Abby this afternoon, out of scraps of fabric I have had in my fabric box since I was 16.

I think Abby had more fun putting all the crayon in their little "pockets" more than actually coloring! This was such a fun and creative little project and SO easy! I'm hoping to go fabric shopping this week and make some more "color cozys" for my nieces and nephews and some just to have on hand for gifts. I think I could also use the basic concept of this one to make a makeup brush holder, paintbrush holder etc...endless possibilities!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Spring Sweeties!

Just a little look at some of the things I packed into my Spring Fling Swap box for my swap buddy over at Mary Janes Farm. I had been making and collecting things to send for weeks and I just couldn't wait another day to send them all off. I had so much fun stitching up the little spring bunny and the Spring door knob hanger...I forgot to take a picture of the door hanger AFTER I dotted the "i"'s with tiny green jewels...perfect for spring I think!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Testing Recipes Today

I love to try out new recipes when I have time. This is a good one I just tried out tonight. Very tasty!

Bahama Mama Pork Chops

1 (8 oz) can pineapple chunks, reserve juice ( I used crushed pineapple)
1 tablespoon cornstarch
2/3 cup bottled chili sauce ( Heinz is good!)
1/3 cup raisins
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/8 teaspoon ground Cinnamon
4 pork chops
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

1) In medium bowl, blend reserved pineapple juice with cornstarch; Stir in pineapple, chili sauce, raisins, sugar and cinnamon and set aside.
2) In large skillet lightly brown chops in oil and drain. Pour pineapple mixture over chops. Cover and simmer 15 minutes or until pork s cooked throughout.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~
My notes: I used VERY thick, boneless pork chops so I cooked it a little longer than suggested. I think if you like sweet n' sour pork you will love this. Don't leave out the Cinnamon because the flavors are all so good together. I served mine with rice and baked sweet potato fries on the side. YUM YUM YUM and very easy if you are in a hurry!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

For all the Prim gals...

Visit this super sweet Prim Site for great ideas and articles on everything PRIMITIVE! They are hosting a celebration giveaway so make your way over to the following link and put your name on their mailing list to be entered to win some *CUTE* CUTE* prizes!!!!

"Lets Take a Sick Day Mommy!"

Don't let the sleepy smile fool you...Abbys sick days are full of every kind of excitement! I agreed with Abby though, we definitely need a few "sick days" to rest and goof off. After a night with an upset tummy and an achy body, she needed a little bit of time to recover so, I snuggled Abby up in an old Tshirt of mine and we watched tv and cuddled up on the couch for most of the day. After a while we just couldn't sit still any longer so we baked up a batch of brownies and munched on them until bedtime. I really didn't get a whole lot done yesterday as far as housework but I did get to spend some much needed snuggle time with my baby girl!

Monday, March 3, 2008

What I do with my free time...

I had so many sweet compliments on the last bookmark I made so I made a couple more to send to two sweet Farmgirls at Mary Janes Farm. Since I have never met my farmgirl friends face to face I kinda had to guess what they might like and hope it suited them well. The red one is more of a romantic theme I think. I love the black and white vintage style photo bar, and the little scrap of songbook paper. The little black paisley design was my own little work of "scissor" and I think it turned out beautiful! The second one is a little more of a calm serene-like theme. In the background, behind the floral velum paper, is a partial picture of an old bike, in black and white, and the black and white photo fits with it very well. I saw a dragon fly painting in a magazine and was inspired to make my own out of pretty papers. The word to the left of the dragon fly says "sing". This is just another one of my late night art projects that I had to share. Hopefully my farmgirl friends will be happy with their little bookies!