Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Creative block...help!

I found these adorable little plastic limes ( yes, I said plastic) at walmart for a quarter a piece. It was just one of those things you think you have to have ten of y'know? So, I bought several but now now I'm stuck and I can't come up with a creative way to display them or "alter" them. I need creative minds to help me on this one. My first thought was to somehow funkify them then hang them vertically from a ribbon or something like that and tie a funky lil' tag on it somewhere, BUT I just can't decide! Suggestions please!


Amy Bell said...

Hi! I just found your blog and thought it was really fun..my mom took some limes and bought a candle/vase combo at Michaels, then, put the limes on the bottom,a candle piece on top, and then a sassy candle on the top...it looks so wonderful as a centerpiece....just an idea..great limes! :)

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Plastic? Are you sure? LOL
