Saturday, April 19, 2008

My favorite brownies EVER!

My husband knows this recipe by memory because his mom made these a lot when he was growing up. He taught me the recipe and now make these about every two weeks as a snack..They are really yummy and buttery crisp around the edges ( the BEST part!)
1 cup Sugar
3/4 cup flour
3 big heaping tablespoons of cocoa
2 eggs
1 generous teaspoon vanilla
1 stick of butter

*Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
* Melt stick of butter in 8x8 brownie pan, by sticking it in the preheated oven for several minutes
* In a medium mixing bowl combine sugar, flour, and cocoa.
* In a separate measuring cup beat eggs slightly and add vanilla to eggs.
* Pour egg mixture into the flour mixture and stir slightly then add melted butter ( Be careful that you let the butter cool down some before you add it to the egg and flour mixture, you don't want to scramble the eggs : ) Stir until mixed well then pour batter into the brownie pan and make for about 20 mins.
~Abby's special ingredient! Colored sprinkles on top!


Kim -today's creative blog said...

Thanks so much for the kind words!
I love all your craftiness.

Unknown said...

The brownies look SO good I may have to go bake now!

Just stopped by to let you know YOU WON the drawing for the Green Sleeve!

Please contact me!

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Whether I need it or not, I am making these brownies tomorrow! Yum!

And I made the little wire thingies that go in your flower pots to hold the labels. I LOVE them! I'll post them as soon as I can and link back to your blog. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful idea!
