Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sharing the Love

Of shoes, that is! I LOVE shoes and I have apparently passed down that trait to my daughter. This morning I found Abby in her room, dressed in an assortment of odd clothes and on her feet, were a pair of fire red, Pattin leather with gold stitching, small healed "clonky shoes". It was a pair of shoes that I had when I was her age ( maybe a bit older) and I called them that because they made a loud clonking sound, like high heels, when I walked in them. I really felt like a glamorous lady every time I put them on. Little did my parents know, that they had started a lifetime love between me and SHOES!


marilyn said...

enough about Imelda Marcos and her shoes!
I sent you a comment about your paint kit blog and how proud i was to see you taking a chance.
How come it's not on the comment list.
did the blog police come and nix it. Geez.
that was quite a lengthy little thing for me to write up.
writing is a lot of editing as far as im concerned.
well, tell Imelda to keep up the CLONKING!
auntie m (i just thought of that! is that not funny!

Beemoosie said...

Wow!!! You girlies sure do love your shoes!!! I'm the barefoot type myself! Make sure you get plenty of pictures of your little one playing "big girl"!