Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I had a sudden burst of creative energy yesterday and threw together this little "dilly". I call it my "trim tower"... I had andrew drill a hole in a wooden block (something I saved for a time like this) and stuck a 1/4 dowl in the hole and glued it in a bit. Then I painted the whole thing and put some green polka dots all over it. I found a little "finial" looking thing that I used as a topper. it fits perfectly on top of the dowl and it screws off so I can add more ribbon spools if I want. One step toward organizing my crafts : ) Yay for me~

DAD, this one's for you!

I snuck a picture of me on dads bike while they were at church. This is how I see myself in my mind : ) I think I'm the only one who see's it

Note: Why do i look like i have no neck in this picture????


Autumn said...

WAAA! HAAA! HAAA! That picture is soooo funny!!! You sneaky girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Robin Beck said...

The picture of you on the motorcycle is priceless! I bet your dad had a good laugh at that.
I love what you did to store your ribbons...Ugh...Mine are all over the place-I need to get organized like you~! ....someday.... :)

Kristin said...

I just came over from your comment on my blog... I love your tower of spools! Something about ribbon; I could just look at it all day!