Monday, July 7, 2008


I had yet another round of bloodwork today resulting in some sad news that my hormone levels have gone down as expected ina normal miscarriage. They had gone up gradually over the past couple weeks and we were hopeful that things would continue to progress but God had another plan. I'll be going to a follow up appointment tomorrow to make sure I am staying healthy during all of these changes.
I plan on taking this time to regroup and reproiritize my life a bit. I have packed up my crafting and sewing supplies for a while. I find that when I want to start crafting and spend time "alone" is when I start putting my family at the bottom of the list. Abby is in a beautiful part of her life and she needs me more than ever to teach her the things that a two year old should know. Like how to have a tea party and how to draw happy faces :) and my poor husband needs to eat a good meal every now and then and have iced tea in the fridge.
I'm going to cut WAY down on abbys TV time and make sure i soend alot of one on one time with her, reading and playing and talking. I'm eliminating ALL the junk food from my house. I HATE having candy and snacks around the house but I've really been stashing alot of them lately. So I'm going to stock up on fresh fruti adn juices and nuts and yogurt for snack time. Also, I need to do better meal planning. We have eaten so much fast food lately and it's starting to gross me out. lol I have a poor little puppy who often gets put in a kennal for hours at a time but he just needs a little attention to work out some of his kinks....
All in all, I'm just a young momma, who has great plans and ideas and very little energy to accpmplish them all. But I am encouraged by the people around me and my desire is to do my best in whatever I do.
“ For the Lord GOD will help Me; Therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set My face like a flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed.Isaiah 50:6-8
"Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness." Psalm 143:10


Anonymous said...

Oh my dear sweet friend... (((hug)))... I will say a prayer for you. You sound like you have it all together... Hot meals, playing with the dog more, one on one time with the baby.... i didnt see where you were taking time for yourself... Give yourself a little break too... You need it... I'll be thinking about you... Susie h~

mysteryhistorymom said...

God bless you and your family. I am so sorry to hear the news, but am so proud of you for re-evaluating your life. This is something we all must do and you have inspired me to take a good look at my life. Take care and have lots of fun with tea parties and drawing smily faces!:-) Lori

KKJD1 said...

Sorry to hear your bad news, but every time I check your blog you always give me inspiration because you never fail to trust in God in all circumstances. I will be praying for you and your family during this time. thanks for inspiring me. Blessings. Karen/Ga girl

Kim -today's creative blog said...

I'm so sorry for your news.

Simply Me... said...

I'm having a giveaway, come play.
