Monday, July 14, 2008

Pot Luck de' Blog

Just thought I'd share this sweet picture of my two best girlfriends sitting at the hospital with me, before my Surgery last week. These two are my absolute FAVORITE girls of all other best girlfriend (my lil sister Sara) couldn't be there because she was having a little bit of her own troubles. She is about 6 weeks prego and just beginning to feel the effects of it : )
My momma wears many hats....besides being a nurse, a granny , a mom and a best friend, she also wears the hat of...

Vacation Bible School director! I couldn't even snap a picture of her today because she was fluttering around everywhere making sure things were running smooth. This is just a shot of the kids singing...I peeked my head out from the back of the stage props to get this one. I wish you could see the work and the details in all the decorations. More than that though, I wish we could see through Gods eyes and see every heart that was touched today, every friend ship formed, every person that put themselves out there and got out of a comfort zone for these kiddos, and even for the little old ladies who just wandred around hugging up all the babies! My mom always has said she was a "VBS kid"...that was her happy time and she has always dreamed of giving back alittle of what was given to her. Just a little neigborhood church, a bunch of ole' ladies with cookies and hugs and juice to give out and a couple hours "church" in the purest form! We have a pretty small crowd but it was goodness...does that make sense? I dunno, soemtimes I get too involved in descriptions..I just wish I could spell it out the way it is in my mind but words just dont mix together in the right way... : )


Check this out! Me and Andrew dressed in out costumes for the skit...He's the pilot and I'm the Flight Attendant! I think we 're pretty convincing!
So the start to this week has been great! Look for more VBS pictures as the week goes on!
NOTE TO MYSTERYHISTORYMOM! I have your winnings all packed up and ready to go but I just haven't gotten to the post office yet. I PROMISE you will get it...eventually : ) Really, I plan on dropping it off this week at the Post Office..Thanks for being so patient and waitng for me to get back on my feet again...and for all your sweet comments and encouagement! You girls make me smile!


mysteryhistorymom said...

I LOVE the pictures! The one of your best friends is too sweet.:-) You certainly do look like a flight attendant! Was the skit for VBS? My girls are going to VBS this week, too, and having a great time!

You are such a sweetie pie to even be thinking about me! Don't you worry a bit about me. You just take care of yourself and your family.:-) Lori

KKJD1 said...

Sounds like a great VBS, your mom is just to much, she is such a wonderful person to take on so much! Cant wait to see more pics of VBS as you get them posted. Wish I was there to help. I did the VBS at our church this year I was teacher for the 5th grade class. What fun they really kept me on my toes. This was my sons last year as he will be in 6th next yr and will be to old so I'm glad I was able to spend this year of VBS with him and the rest of the 5th graders. Blessings, Karen