Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Not sure what I think about this one....

I have seen so many of these cute paper banners and I thought I'd give it a try. I knew from the start this wasn't going to be my best work. It just didn't "create itself" like things usually do. I ussually sit down with two or three colors or items and they kind of come together without much thought...this however, was just a mess the whole way through. I like the colors but it seems a bit "messy" and unfinished looking. oh well, I like the colros and I think it's ok. It kept me busy for a few hours...so, I guess it served it's purpose!


mysteryhistorymom said...

I LOVE IT!!!!! Absolutely beautiful!:-) Lori

KKJD1 said...

I like it colors and all! I wanted to remind you about my second book giveaway.Ill be drawing the winner Friday Am. So dont forget to leave me a comment under the post about the giveaway. Love ya, Karen

Anonymous said...

hi there!
i just found your blog and wanted to say hi! oh, and i think the banner is super cute!

Anonymous said...

I think it looks great just the way it is!!! Susie h~

Paula said...

I really like the colors you used~ any fall colors are perfect by me! I think it looks fantastic, not messy at all.
I just found your site through Lime Gardenia's and have had a great time on my visit!