Monday, July 21, 2008

A LONG 100th post...

I'm doing a little bit of celebrating tonight as I write this post BECAUSE it's my 100th POST! WOOT! WOOT! Can I get a AHT! AHT! Actually, to be honest, the cookies and milk aren't part of the celebration. I just do that every night at about this time. I REALLY do! I just love cookies and I seem to crave them at bedtime. I could definantly handle Santa Claus' job huh? Anyway, yeah, I can't believe I have already made it to 100 posts! Typically this would call for a giveaway but I'm way to busy and tired to host a giveaway right now.
I made the short trek up north about an hour, and saw my sweet little sister today. I rarely get the chance to drop everything I'm doing and drive for an hour just to visit her but I decided that today was the day and me and Abby and Cody 9 the Dog) went to help her get the house clean and cook dinner for her.
In exchange for the casserole I made for her, she sent us home with a Ziploc FULL of fresh picked blue berries! YAY! This is what I did on Sunday afternoon. My living room has transformed into a Big Blue Thing. I picked out this color in one of my moments of inspiration and so far it hasn't really turned out the way I expected. I'm just sitting on it for a few days to see what I think about the color in a few days. It was supposed to be a softer almost grayish color of teal but this is what I got. My RED stuff doesn't seem to fit in anymore and I'd rather re-paint than redo all my decorations I've gathered. We shall see what becomes of it! Saturday afternoon I drove over to the airport to watch Luke, aspiring pilot, fly this! He actually flew it with very little help from the pilot. Mom went along for the ride too! I couldn't believe it.
I wish I was brave enough to fly in a paper airplane too but since I didn't get in on any of the real action in the air, I just made some nice pictures of me with these COOL pilot Air force guys in their cool green uniforms and sunglasses! At least it LOOKS like I did something adventurous!
Speaking of flying and these guys, if you ever get the chance, you need to watch the Movie called Fly Boys. I really liked it! And this picture is just a reminder of how fast life goes by and how quickly our little ones grow up! My little Abby is a Big two years old and just determined to see me loose my mind...BUT I'm not gonna do it! I had a long conversation with her today and realised how much she knows and how well she speaks and communicates and thought how sad it is that I sometimes go through a whole day without really stopping to hear each word she says and put it together. What on earth is more important than listening to the heart of my child spill out to me in the best words she can manage? How many times do we stop during a busy day and really listen to God? We see his Glory everywhere but do we ever stop and really pay attention to what he wants us to hear?
"Be still, and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10 NKJV


marilyn said...

Congrats, Bekah!
That is diligence in the works!

I want you to know I truly see the fruits of the spirit in your life. Your words are so full of wisdom. It surprises me sometimes when i think of that little girl in her jumper sitting on the front porch, while your mom and i would visit.
I loved the comment about your Abby(been there done that-many, many times).
How you recognize the preciousness of taking the time to listen.
And even more so when we compare that with our Father in Heaven. To make it a point to listen to Him.

I took it even further and thought: God would love to hear us babble to Him thru out our day. To include Him in even the most mundane tasks.
And i think of Adam and God, and how they would walk together in the cool of the day.
jus thinkin'
Aunt Maire

KKJD1 said...

Wow you've been busy,glad you had a nice visit with your sis. And well as far as the airplane ride I would have been on the ground too. I dont do planes or well anything that flies!
Our children do grow up quickly My oldest is 17 middle 14 and youngest is 12 just seems like yesterday that they were babies. I often tear up when I think of them leaving home.
Hope you have a great week. Blessings Karen

mysteryhistorymom said...

What a fun day you had! Great pictures! I would be happy to send you my address, but for your eyes only, you know? Could you e-mail me at Then I can e-mail you back!:-) Thanks! Lori

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the movie Top Gun... loved that movie... Now Im showing my age... Susie h~

Tangee said...

Congrats on your 100th post! I love coming to visit your blog. Your like a sweet daisy just hanging out there in the sun. I love your reminder to stop and be silent and listen to God. I'm working on that right now. Just stopping and listening to Him.I just love coming here!!!

Kim -today's creative blog said...

I have been to your site you just never know!

Thanks for commenting.....I guess my threats worked.