Monday, May 5, 2008

Paper Folder

No I'm not talking about origami silly! I'm talking about an old file folder that organises my scrapbook and crafting paper! I foudn this old filer folder at the thrift store and decided to dress it up a bit. I wrote the entire passage of Genesis 1:1-19 on a piece of white printer paper, photo copied it onto a piece of off-white scrapbook paper, the printed over it again the word PAPER. Then I cut out a few little squares and displayed the year on the bottom. The ribbon at the top doesn't actually hold the folder closed, I just glued the ribbon into the backside of the front folder, then glued it to the front and toped it off wiht a bottom. No buttoning and unbottoning here, just a trick on the ole' eyes! I also glued a nice sqaure piece of paper over the glued ribbon on the backside, so it would all look finished and well- done. I just LOVE my new paper folder!


Autumn said...

OK_ I don't care if I am the first one to post comments anymore~ I LOVE your folder- how smart is that????? and of course I love Abby and Cody!!! and the party hats-well, I'm just glad I was NOT in that picture!!!!! and the paper for your bookies- HOW do you do that.
How about a short tutorial on it for your old mom!!! Better yet- Ill trade ya some of that cool paper for......ummm something!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

That is so cool!!..I love the way you did that :o)

Hipmomofboyz said...

I love your folder idea.....
I really like the fact that you are addicted to shoes, me too.......I love shoes...

Tangee said...

That is SO Cool! I love it! Thank you so much for visiting my blog. You so made me smile. I have enjoyed your blog SO much and I'm gonna be a frequent visitor.