Monday, May 5, 2008

Catching up

My posts have been pretty sparse or the past several days as I have been catching up with my real life. Sometimes I get so caught up in blogging that I forget to actually LIVE what I blog about : ) Anyway, here are some of the hightlights of the past few days.
I was a busy girl Saturday night. I finally decided to dive in and tackle the wall striping in Abbys room. I've been wanting ot do it for forever and just finally worked up the courage to try it. I am EXTREMLY happy with the results! (patting myself on the back now) I plan on adding some shelves and storage space and of course more decorating. I just haven't gotten all up yet.

Meet the newest member of our family, Cody! We brought him home a weeek ago and have been loving him ever since. He is a schnauzer/Brussels Griffon mix, which is a select breed known as Sniffon. He was born on March 12. I'll post a more flattering pic of him later, but this one was just too cute! Abby rocked him to sleep like a baby and he didn't mind her holding him lik ethat! Amazing!

I bleached this paper on Friday. I ussually just use small pieces of this kind of paper in my bookmarks so this will last for a while. Saturday was our annual family reunion. Sara and I found cups that MATCHED our shirts! How cool are we?!?!? We had so much fun together I think we forgot it was actually a FAMILY reuinion...Ya gotta love that cheesy smile!

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