Thursday, July 31, 2008

Be a Blessing!

Visit this blog for an awesome opportunity to bless a young girl who has just been diagnosed with Cancer. I just came across this blog today and thougth it would be nice to share it with you. If you do go and read the story and decide to send Caty a card or something small in the mail, leave me a comment and let me know! I'd love to see how many people respond! I plan on making her a small "thingy" to send in the next week or two, to lift her spirits a bit. Of couse your prayers are most effective and I know it will be conforting to her to know that so many people are praying for her and standing by her.
Hope you all have a Happy Friday!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Not sure what I think about this one....

I have seen so many of these cute paper banners and I thought I'd give it a try. I knew from the start this wasn't going to be my best work. It just didn't "create itself" like things usually do. I ussually sit down with two or three colors or items and they kind of come together without much thought...this however, was just a mess the whole way through. I like the colors but it seems a bit "messy" and unfinished looking. oh well, I like the colros and I think it's ok. It kept me busy for a few, I guess it served it's purpose!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

New bookmark~Words of Wisdom~

Psalm 113
1 Praise the LORD. Praise, O servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD.
2 Let the name of the LORD be praised, both now and forevermore.
3 From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.
4 The LORD is exalted over all the nations,his glory above the heavens.
5 Who is like the LORD our God, the One who sits enthroned on high,
6 who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?
7 He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap;
8 he seats them with princes, with the princes of their people.
He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

I call this a "thingy"

Sometimes I make things and I call them appropriately "thingys". They serve no real purpose other than occupying my creative whim for an hour or so. This thingy is sort of cute, in a messy, unfinished, thingy sort of way don't you think?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

A LONG 100th post...

I'm doing a little bit of celebrating tonight as I write this post BECAUSE it's my 100th POST! WOOT! WOOT! Can I get a AHT! AHT! Actually, to be honest, the cookies and milk aren't part of the celebration. I just do that every night at about this time. I REALLY do! I just love cookies and I seem to crave them at bedtime. I could definantly handle Santa Claus' job huh? Anyway, yeah, I can't believe I have already made it to 100 posts! Typically this would call for a giveaway but I'm way to busy and tired to host a giveaway right now.
I made the short trek up north about an hour, and saw my sweet little sister today. I rarely get the chance to drop everything I'm doing and drive for an hour just to visit her but I decided that today was the day and me and Abby and Cody 9 the Dog) went to help her get the house clean and cook dinner for her.
In exchange for the casserole I made for her, she sent us home with a Ziploc FULL of fresh picked blue berries! YAY! This is what I did on Sunday afternoon. My living room has transformed into a Big Blue Thing. I picked out this color in one of my moments of inspiration and so far it hasn't really turned out the way I expected. I'm just sitting on it for a few days to see what I think about the color in a few days. It was supposed to be a softer almost grayish color of teal but this is what I got. My RED stuff doesn't seem to fit in anymore and I'd rather re-paint than redo all my decorations I've gathered. We shall see what becomes of it! Saturday afternoon I drove over to the airport to watch Luke, aspiring pilot, fly this! He actually flew it with very little help from the pilot. Mom went along for the ride too! I couldn't believe it.
I wish I was brave enough to fly in a paper airplane too but since I didn't get in on any of the real action in the air, I just made some nice pictures of me with these COOL pilot Air force guys in their cool green uniforms and sunglasses! At least it LOOKS like I did something adventurous!
Speaking of flying and these guys, if you ever get the chance, you need to watch the Movie called Fly Boys. I really liked it! And this picture is just a reminder of how fast life goes by and how quickly our little ones grow up! My little Abby is a Big two years old and just determined to see me loose my mind...BUT I'm not gonna do it! I had a long conversation with her today and realised how much she knows and how well she speaks and communicates and thought how sad it is that I sometimes go through a whole day without really stopping to hear each word she says and put it together. What on earth is more important than listening to the heart of my child spill out to me in the best words she can manage? How many times do we stop during a busy day and really listen to God? We see his Glory everywhere but do we ever stop and really pay attention to what he wants us to hear?
"Be still, and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10 NKJV

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Head on over to this lovely little blog for a chance to win THIS book! Miss "Farmgirlingastyle" has been such an encouragement to me during this past month since I have dealt with so much concerning my ectopic pregnancy. Go show her some love on her blog and TRY to win the book! It's like, the best giveaway EVER!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Taking the day off!!!

Well, sorta! Going fishing this morning with some friends....then I plan on painting my living room at some point today or tonight ( that could happen at midnight for all I know : ), possibly going to see my younger brother take his first flying lesson and maybe ride along, and I'll try to squeeze alittle house work in there house is a wreck but I'm not going to put it on the top of the list of proirities today. Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I'm sure I'll have some pictures to post tonight so stop back by!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


During this week of VBS I have had so many opportunities to visit with friends that I dont get to talk to often. I say friends and i guess they ARE my friends, but not the kind of friends you would think someone my age would have. A few weeks ago we had a special presentation at church and afterward we had a dinner and several ladies settled into the living room to visit and drink coffee. As I sat there surrounded by the mingling voices It all faded into a blur and I looked at each of the faces that surrounded me. Most of these woman have known me since I was four or five years old. It's such a blended group. There is a young mother of 5 who is joyfully expecting #6, mothers who have teenagers and adult children and still have a few toddlers at home, there are grandmothers and moms to be....I sat there for several hours, late into the night, soaking up the wisdom of the older mothers, and sharing stories and experiences with some younger moms. I wrestled with Abby almost the entire time but I just could not tear myself away from the conversations. I listened intently as one of my mothers friends, shared about a struggle in her life and was amazed that despite age difference and life experience, we shared that struggle and we BOTH were helpless without grace from the Lord. Finally around 11pm I decided that it was time to take abby home to bed but I was so thirsty to hear more. I laughed to myself on the way home. How ironic that I sit here in the midst of a group of ladies that I once thought were the most fonky, unsophisticated, clueless people ( I was an all-knowing teenager y'know?) They're still fonky but hey...thats why i fit in so well! Unsophisticated...of COURSE !
not wise in the ways of the world;

lacking complexity; "

awkwardly simple and provincial;

unadulterated; pure; genuine

And clueless, not at all. These ladies have been through it ALL. Their long dresses and braided hair may fool you, but every walk of life is represented in our little group. But somehow we all ended up here, for now. Listening, teaching, and learning from each other. I am so blessed to have such wonderful women to look up to and admire. Maybe one day after soaking up a bit of their wisdom I'll have a small bit to share when I'm gray : )

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A "feel better" Basket

My poor baby sister is having a terrible time with morning sickness and mom suggested that we put together a "feel better" basket for her. She lives about an hour away and it's hard to take care of her as much as we'd like but tomorrow she'll get a good surprise when we deliver her all these goodies...and some more from mom!

Some cutsie socks, almonds, chicken noodle soup, water, applesauce, dried fruit, air freshener, and some quick cleaning Lysol wipes!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pot Luck de' Blog

Just thought I'd share this sweet picture of my two best girlfriends sitting at the hospital with me, before my Surgery last week. These two are my absolute FAVORITE girls of all other best girlfriend (my lil sister Sara) couldn't be there because she was having a little bit of her own troubles. She is about 6 weeks prego and just beginning to feel the effects of it : )
My momma wears many hats....besides being a nurse, a granny , a mom and a best friend, she also wears the hat of...

Vacation Bible School director! I couldn't even snap a picture of her today because she was fluttering around everywhere making sure things were running smooth. This is just a shot of the kids singing...I peeked my head out from the back of the stage props to get this one. I wish you could see the work and the details in all the decorations. More than that though, I wish we could see through Gods eyes and see every heart that was touched today, every friend ship formed, every person that put themselves out there and got out of a comfort zone for these kiddos, and even for the little old ladies who just wandred around hugging up all the babies! My mom always has said she was a "VBS kid"...that was her happy time and she has always dreamed of giving back alittle of what was given to her. Just a little neigborhood church, a bunch of ole' ladies with cookies and hugs and juice to give out and a couple hours "church" in the purest form! We have a pretty small crowd but it was goodness...does that make sense? I dunno, soemtimes I get too involved in descriptions..I just wish I could spell it out the way it is in my mind but words just dont mix together in the right way... : )


Check this out! Me and Andrew dressed in out costumes for the skit...He's the pilot and I'm the Flight Attendant! I think we 're pretty convincing!
So the start to this week has been great! Look for more VBS pictures as the week goes on!
NOTE TO MYSTERYHISTORYMOM! I have your winnings all packed up and ready to go but I just haven't gotten to the post office yet. I PROMISE you will get it...eventually : ) Really, I plan on dropping it off this week at the Post Office..Thanks for being so patient and waitng for me to get back on my feet again...and for all your sweet comments and encouagement! You girls make me smile!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Yet another...UPDATE

Well girls...I sure hope I'm not boring you with my continued "update posts" but I have had several faithful blog friends who comment almost on a daily basis and encourage me and remind me that they're praying for us so for those girls, I just want to give you a quick update and let you know that your prayers are being heard.
Fist of all, I found a WONDERFUL doctor who has taken so much time to evaluate the WHOLE situation and inform me of every option and possible outcome and has even stopped to pray with Andrew and I before we left his office! He did ultrasounds and lots of blood work which showed there was no pregnancy in my uterus. He was concerned it could be an ectopic pregnancy but he wanted to make sure there was nothing remaining in my uterus that was causing the bleeding. I had a D&C Tuesday, which i was completely comfortable with, since the doctor had showed me every angle on the ultrasound and assured me there was nothing in my uterus except maybe some infected tissue which needed to be removed. The D&C went well and even though I was afraid of going under anesthesia for surgery, all went well and I was very comfortable and peaceful when I came out of the OR. The next day, I returned to the office hoping to hear that my hormones had returned to a normal level and all was well. BUT, actually after MORE blood work and test result had come back, the doctor let me know that i had an Ectopic pregnancy. SCARY! There was indeed some kind of growth outside of my uterus that could rupture and be very dangerous to me. Anyway, I had an injection that should stop the growth in my fallopian tubes and within a week I should know if it was effective. If not, I could be facing another surgery and possibly damage to me fallopian tubes.
I know...LOTS of info and maybe too confusing if you haven't been in the middle of all of it for the past month but hopefully you all will continue to pray for me and for my family.
My sweet momma has been SO helpful and has sacrificed so much to be here to help me with Abby, to clean for me, to cook for me and she is still managing the VBS preparation at church!!! She is MY HERO! Don't forget to say alittle prayer for my mom too...she is the most selfless person i know and she deserves a break! : )

Monday, July 7, 2008


I had yet another round of bloodwork today resulting in some sad news that my hormone levels have gone down as expected ina normal miscarriage. They had gone up gradually over the past couple weeks and we were hopeful that things would continue to progress but God had another plan. I'll be going to a follow up appointment tomorrow to make sure I am staying healthy during all of these changes.
I plan on taking this time to regroup and reproiritize my life a bit. I have packed up my crafting and sewing supplies for a while. I find that when I want to start crafting and spend time "alone" is when I start putting my family at the bottom of the list. Abby is in a beautiful part of her life and she needs me more than ever to teach her the things that a two year old should know. Like how to have a tea party and how to draw happy faces :) and my poor husband needs to eat a good meal every now and then and have iced tea in the fridge.
I'm going to cut WAY down on abbys TV time and make sure i soend alot of one on one time with her, reading and playing and talking. I'm eliminating ALL the junk food from my house. I HATE having candy and snacks around the house but I've really been stashing alot of them lately. So I'm going to stock up on fresh fruti adn juices and nuts and yogurt for snack time. Also, I need to do better meal planning. We have eaten so much fast food lately and it's starting to gross me out. lol I have a poor little puppy who often gets put in a kennal for hours at a time but he just needs a little attention to work out some of his kinks....
All in all, I'm just a young momma, who has great plans and ideas and very little energy to accpmplish them all. But I am encouraged by the people around me and my desire is to do my best in whatever I do.
“ For the Lord GOD will help Me; Therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set My face like a flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed.Isaiah 50:6-8
"Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness." Psalm 143:10

Sunday, July 6, 2008


Little miss Abigail makes a beautiful model for her new "helper" apron. The apron neck and ties are all one strand. It is strung through the arm hole edges so that it can easily aadjust higher or tighter as huh?

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Just a little birthday card I made for a special sister in law! She is such a sweet person and has always been so good to me I just had to make this cute little card for her!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I had a sudden burst of creative energy yesterday and threw together this little "dilly". I call it my "trim tower"... I had andrew drill a hole in a wooden block (something I saved for a time like this) and stuck a 1/4 dowl in the hole and glued it in a bit. Then I painted the whole thing and put some green polka dots all over it. I found a little "finial" looking thing that I used as a topper. it fits perfectly on top of the dowl and it screws off so I can add more ribbon spools if I want. One step toward organizing my crafts : ) Yay for me~

DAD, this one's for you!

I snuck a picture of me on dads bike while they were at church. This is how I see myself in my mind : ) I think I'm the only one who see's it

Note: Why do i look like i have no neck in this picture????

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Still Waitting

Well, my doctors appointment was yesterday. Y'know the one where I was supposed to know something definiate??? Wel, i did more bloodwork. My HCG levels were still goin gup but not as high or as fast as they should. They did two ultrasounds, two rule out an ectopic pregnancy. They found no indication of an Ectopic pregnancy and they didn;t see a heartbeat or gestational sac. The nurse that gave me my ultrasound result said that it could just be too early to see anything..good OR bad, so I went home with no answers and still a glimmer of hope that things are just not as far along as I thought. Then i got a call at 4:30pm from a nurse saying that my charts were shown to the doctor and he'd like to set me up for a D&C this week. I don't feel like the clinic was honest with me and I don't feel like the tests and diagnosis were thourough. I'm not in any pain and I seem to be progresssing along as a normal miscarriage so I'm just going to wait it out at home. I dont feel the need to be invasive of a natural proccess unless I am in serious danger ( which is not the case). Needless to say, I'm frusterated, tired and kind of overwhelmed with all the unknowns. Please keep me in your prayers, as I wait out his next week and try to make decisions about what should happen next.
I haven't been doing any crafts or sewing projects lately so my blogging will probably be sparse for a while. I really have taken out alot of my frusteration on Abby, just because I dont have the patience right now, to deal with her needs. So today, I think I'm going to take her to the library( her fovorite place other than grannies house : ) and then we might go to a thrift store and look around and maybe go to the park or soemthing.
Thanks again fo rall your prayers and encouragement over the past week or so. I'm certain that your prayers have gotten me through all of this so far! XOXO