Saturday, June 7, 2008

Treats, Sweets and An Ugly Bookmark

Well, today is a bummer day. My lil' sister is vacationing in Galvaston with her new hubby ( lucky girl!), my mom and dad and little bro are off to the Big D to take care of some moving of furniture for my grandma, my husband went to work out of town for the day on an emergency weekend job, and Abby and I are alittle under the weather with allergies. I guess I shouldn't complain too much because this past week has been ok for me as far as accomplishing a few things and spending time with my favorite girl-friend ( ABBY of course!). Here are some of the highlights of the week.
TODAY, I got my very first order of soap from Dayln at HICK CHICKS SOAP BARN! It really brightened up my mornign to get that package in the mail! Her soap is unbeleivabley yummy smelling and beautiful! I'm definaly a faithful customer now! I would suggest to everyone to try at least ONE of her natural soap's a real treat!

I found these books to add to Abbys Little Golden Book collection. They look really old on the outside but when I opened them they are a 50th Anniversary edition copy. I just adore these books!

I have been wanting to try the recipe for Honey Bun Cake, that I found at The Sugar Plum Cottage. I decided to bring it to our Friday Bible Study meeting for all the ladies to enjoy. I TOTALLY forgot they are doing a weight-loss program (competition) and it was the FIRST day of weigh-in's! Poor girls. I think they ate a few pieces of it because I had gone to the trouble to make it but most of it went to the kids :) It was SOOO good! Really sweet and sugary! Make sure you drink lots of milk with this one! I'll be making this one again for my sweetie!

Last and LEAST, I made this UgLy bookmark over the week. You know when you TRY to be creative it just turns out like poop?! Well, here is an example. I absoulutly HATE this bookmark. BUT, if there is anyone out there that loves shoes and likes this bookmark, I'll send it to you as a freebie! Just post a comment and I'll email you for an address. I think if no one takes it, it shall be disposed of...i'm telling you, I hate it THAT much...
Anyway, I have a couple projects in the works but don't know if they will be finished before I leave for Dallas this week on Wednesday. I started a dress for Abby and I need to put the buttons on the back, and also, I need to finish soem lil' snappy kitchen towles for my mother in law. I think that's about all I have going on for now. I'm sure I'll think of something else to add ; )


Julie said...

I will have to try that soap. Thanks for the site. Your bookmark looks great!! I'll take it and put it on my "warm fuzzies" wall in my craft room as a reminder that WE all make things we CANNOT STAND-LOL!! Thanks for visiting my blog--come again. Julie

Anonymous said...

I love your picture on the top, that house front, reminds me of new orleans. LOVE it. hugs Kate from MJF.

Autumn said...

I'm HOME!!!!
What do you think I did first?? Check your blog!!!
Why do you hate the bookmark- I think it's fantastic! Ya must have been in a bad mood when ya made it-:)

April said...

You won my GiveAway....I left my email on the winner post...go check it out and send me your mailing address.....congrats !! and thanks for reading !!

Dalyn said...

hey! I'm totally blushing...what a sweet thing to say and do. Bless your heart and thank you so much!