Tuesday, June 17, 2008


WOW! I'm suprised and flattered to see that even though I haven't posted in about a week, I still have some faithful readers! I just love getting comments on my blog and when I got back home from Dallas, the first thing I did was read all my new comments!

Right now, my house it UpSiDe DoWn...I haven't even unpacked or started the laundry. I just can't resist the urge to blog about my week. PLUS, there are some REALLY GREAT ANNOUNCENMENTS comming up!

FIRST, I wanted to show off my prizes from Jane Says ! She sent me a lovely package of "beachy" scrapbooking things! A scrapbook, and some super fun beach stickers and bright summery tags! Now this is a good way to scrap away the summer !

Ok, I just have TOO much news and pictures to share but you'll have to check back later for the rest of it. I absolutly HAVE to get some laundry done right now. YOU BETTER come back this afternoon for the BIG reveal and a special announcement! I PROMISE you don't wanna miss this!

Look in the tag section of this post for a clue as to whats comming up!

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