Wednesday, June 25, 2008

* Giveaway Winner *

Thanks to all for visiting my blog, and for all of your sweet compliments! As promised, Abby drew a winners name today and the winner is...



Anonymous said...

Oh how my heart is breaking for you right now. I will be sure to lift you up in my prayers ahead. I wish I had some special words for you right now... just know that I will be thinking of you. If you go on my sidebar you will see a girl named Angie(a true woman of God) I you feel up to it go and check out her blog. She knows how your heart is hurting... Take care of yourself my sweet friend, Susie H~

mysteryhistorymom said...

Thanks so much for picking my name!:-) It's such a treat to be a winner.:-)

Please take all the time you need right now. This giveaway is the last thing you need to be concerned about. Your family is in my prayers.... Lori

Robin Beck said...

Hi there,
I'm just stopping in to see how you are doing and to let you know I really am praying for you.
You are on my heart.
God Bless~