Saturday, May 31, 2008

Baby Onsies

This was a really QUICK sewing project. I hesitate to even call it sewing because it was so simple. They really didn't turn out looking as cute as I had hoped but it'll have to do. A few ladies are putting together a box of baby things to send to a friend who moved to France and is expecting a baby boy in July. I just sewed these little fabric cutouts to a premade white onsie. I figured sending this is better than sending nothing at all. There really is something cute about them they just don't look like I had pictured.

Friday, May 30, 2008

ToGetHeR iS bEsT!

I found a cute little two sided frame yesterday and it made a perfect home for my little blue birds to hang out and remind me how special "together time" is.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A stitched gift!

This is just alittle bathroom hand towel that I stitched for mom for mothers day. I caught a glimpse of it yesterday and snapped a picture so I could show it off.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

*~Wish List~*

I've been camping out on the Etsy sight every evening for about an hour at a time, and I've found some cool stuff that I've put on my "wish List". Here are a few of my favorites.
oh oh oh! First though, be sure and check out ALLSORTS at for a really good freebie! I just love the Banner letters she is giving away!
Ok, here's my wish list.

I just love this Pressed Tin Wall clock from Story Time Clocks on Etsy. It's a bit small for my taste. I would love a bigger one but this one is just as cute as can be.
I've been shopping around for handmade soaps. My baby girl has excema and I've heard that calendula oil was good for soothing rashed skin. This just looked like the perfect natural soap to try. It is a Vegan Lavender Calendula Soap, organic, made by Luscious Naturals on Etsy. This is in my " need to try" list. This is a set of vintage Dominoes made into fridge magnets. JUST my sort of funky thing! These are sold at Hestiahouse Works on Etsy. These may be on my fridge next week...we'll see!

Friday, May 23, 2008

WHEW ! ! !

I thought I'd never get it done! I picked out the fabric for this fabric banner decor about two weeks ago and I have been cutting out about three triangles a night for two weeks. Finally I had a window of time and got to finish it up completely. Well, almost completely. I always have to look at a finished project for several days and I always think of a lil' something here or there that needs to be added or adjusted. So we'll see how this looks in a few days, but for now, here it is!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Random Show and Tell

I found these cute little wire hangers at a yard sale and repainted them a soft yellow color and used them to display and store my necklaces and a few other trinkets...
I collect The Little Golden Books for Abby and I pick a few up everytime I go to a yard sale or to a thrift store. I found a couple new "old" books and this REALLY cute wooden apple toy that helps teach lacing. Abby loves stringing the little worm in and out of the apple!
This is a sneak peek at some of the fabrics and colors I'm using to make a bunting ( or fabric banner) for Abbys room. I should have time to work on it more this week and I just might get it finished up!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I finally made a Collage Bookmark for MYSELF! I get so busy doing all my grown up stuff that I need to remind myself to stop and play alittle! I love the lil' froggy on the bottom corner!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mmmm, Good!

Here's the dessert I made today..Waaaaay too sweet and rich but pretty to look at huh?

Saturday, May 10, 2008


This is MY mom!
Momma and Abby in October 2007

To mom:

* You always seem to have way too much on your plate, but I don't think I've ever heard you admit it to anyone.

* You are a better informational source than the Internet, cable, any encyclopedia or dictionary or doctors manual.

*You drive a cool car.

*I love talking to you, I guess thats why I call you 50+ times a day :)

*Most of what you have ever admired about me, I learned from you.

* Why did you make me learn to crochet in 6th grade?

*I have taught you well on make me proud.

*I think Abby loves you more than me : )

* You have made "home" the best place in my life.

*You aren't bossy enough (I'm sure Luke would disagree with me on that one , being he kid he is : )

* I love when you stay up too late at night and you get delirious and start laughing uncontrollably!!!

* You're expertise on cherry Twizzlers astounds me..your the only person who can tell when it's a "bad batch". : )

* I wish you were this cool when I was 15 ( or did I just get uncool???)

* The only bad habit I ever got from you is ...Chocolate!

*You're the only grandma I know who rides a fourwheeler, jumps on a trampoline and ISN'T on blood pressure medication : )

* I admire you for taking on projects and heading up stuff at church when no one else will take the risk.

*I think your high school English teacher is stupid and if I ever saw her and knew who she was I would have words for her.

*You are the best mother in law to everyone and you always give everyone a second chance.

* You created a monster when you introduced me to MJF!!!

*One day we need to get a pedicure together!

* People always tell me how beautiful my mom is...I agree!

* All I really want to be when I grow up, is just like you!

Mom, you are the most awesome momma! I am so blessed to have been given a best friend for a mom! I admire so much about you and I hope that you know that every day of your life..not just Mothers day. Happy mothers day!!!

A thrifting I did go ! ! ! !

Well, once again I subject all of you to my crazy thrifting finds. I have been gathering things from different thrift stores and garage sales for a couple weeks so here's a look at what I have.
Here's the little glass birdhouse I found for $1. It makes a cute home for my limes but I'm afraid now I need more limes, or maybe I'll think of something else to cozy up that little arrangement. I have it on my dinner table so I think about it every time I walk bye...sooner or later I'll get creative with the whole idea!
These cute little french signs will go great in my kitchen. I'm working on a New Orleans French style decor throughout the whole house but so far the kitchen is the only room catching on.
I don't think it shows up too well in the picture but I bought a huge glass cutting board that I ADORE! I'm always spilling my cut up veggies off of my itty bitty plastic cutting boards so this will be a great solution. I just never had it in me to go out and buy a brand new glass cutting board for 15$, so this one suits me well at $2~

Also, the funky cake cutter/server...I have big plans for this lil' thing...just to follow!

Found this pretty plate to go on my little pillar...Bad picture, sorry. This is a project in the works, supposed to be a lil' cookie tray. One of these days I'll finish it and take a better shot.

So there ya have it! All my trash to treasure stuff! I'm super busy this weekend so maybe I'll catch up on my posts on Monday! Adios!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Turn it UP !!!!

Anyone who visits my blog regularly probably has not ever heard a song posted to my blog. Well, I know alot of people that turn the volume on the computer completely down so they don't have to listen to Everyone else's choice of songs ( I'm not incriminating myself am i?). I have had a few songs on my mind for the past few days and I guess I'm too stingy with my craft money to actually go out and buy the Cd's that I want so I decide to put them right here on my blog for my own enjoyment! No really, I sincerely hope you enjoy them as well. These songs are songs that really mean something to me. Do you ever smell a smell and it takes you back to a particular place and time and you feel warm and cozy and safe in that memory? Well, I remember being at a cross-roads in my life only a couple years ago and these songs were songs that I heard at church, songs that friends shared with me, songs I picked up on the radio , but each one of them touches me and reaches right down to my soul and stirs it. It takes me back to that place of surrender, and vulnerability and complete loss of scary as that sounds, it was actually a good place to be...and I want it back.
My dad has always teased me about not singing. Actually, I do sing and I LOVE singing! I just think he's deaf and never hears me : ) I wish he could see me now! Singing my heart out in front of my computer! Maybe I'll sing one of my favorites to him one day so he'll quit nagging at me ( hugs daddy!)
Anyway, turn this music up a bit and let it play through and share with me, my songs. If nothing else, listen to them just so you will know what puts a smile on my face, and maybe you'll get a little grin out of it too : )

Monday, May 5, 2008

Paper Folder

No I'm not talking about origami silly! I'm talking about an old file folder that organises my scrapbook and crafting paper! I foudn this old filer folder at the thrift store and decided to dress it up a bit. I wrote the entire passage of Genesis 1:1-19 on a piece of white printer paper, photo copied it onto a piece of off-white scrapbook paper, the printed over it again the word PAPER. Then I cut out a few little squares and displayed the year on the bottom. The ribbon at the top doesn't actually hold the folder closed, I just glued the ribbon into the backside of the front folder, then glued it to the front and toped it off wiht a bottom. No buttoning and unbottoning here, just a trick on the ole' eyes! I also glued a nice sqaure piece of paper over the glued ribbon on the backside, so it would all look finished and well- done. I just LOVE my new paper folder!

Catching up

My posts have been pretty sparse or the past several days as I have been catching up with my real life. Sometimes I get so caught up in blogging that I forget to actually LIVE what I blog about : ) Anyway, here are some of the hightlights of the past few days.
I was a busy girl Saturday night. I finally decided to dive in and tackle the wall striping in Abbys room. I've been wanting ot do it for forever and just finally worked up the courage to try it. I am EXTREMLY happy with the results! (patting myself on the back now) I plan on adding some shelves and storage space and of course more decorating. I just haven't gotten all up yet.

Meet the newest member of our family, Cody! We brought him home a weeek ago and have been loving him ever since. He is a schnauzer/Brussels Griffon mix, which is a select breed known as Sniffon. He was born on March 12. I'll post a more flattering pic of him later, but this one was just too cute! Abby rocked him to sleep like a baby and he didn't mind her holding him lik ethat! Amazing!

I bleached this paper on Friday. I ussually just use small pieces of this kind of paper in my bookmarks so this will last for a while. Saturday was our annual family reunion. Sara and I found cups that MATCHED our shirts! How cool are we?!?!? We had so much fun together I think we forgot it was actually a FAMILY reuinion...Ya gotta love that cheesy smile!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Blog Giveaway!

The Bird Lady is giving away a REALLY nice group of gifts, in celebration of her 100th post on her blog. Visit her here at and put YOUR name in the hat too!