This is MY mom!
Momma and Abby in October 2007
To mom:
* You always seem to have way too much on your plate, but I don't think I've ever heard you admit it to anyone.
* You are a better informational source than the Internet, cable, any encyclopedia or dictionary or doctors manual.
*You drive a cool car.
*I love talking to you, I guess thats why I call you 50+ times a day :)
*Most of what you have ever admired about me, I learned from you.
* Why did you make me learn to crochet in 6th grade?
*I have taught you well on make me proud.
*I think Abby loves you more than me : )
* You have made "home" the best place in my life.
*You aren't bossy enough (I'm sure Luke would disagree with me on that one , being he kid he is : )
* I love when you stay up too late at night and you get delirious and start laughing uncontrollably!!!
* You're expertise on cherry Twizzlers astounds me..your the only person who can tell when it's a "bad batch". : )
* I wish you were this cool when I was 15 ( or did I just get uncool???)
* The only bad habit I ever got from you is ...Chocolate!
*You're the only grandma I know who rides a fourwheeler, jumps on a trampoline and ISN'T on blood pressure medication : )
* I admire you for taking on projects and heading up stuff at church when no one else will take the risk.
*I think your high school English teacher is stupid and if I ever saw her and knew who she was I would have words for her.
*You are the best mother in law to everyone and you always give everyone a second chance.
* You created a monster when you introduced me to MJF!!!
*One day we need to get a pedicure together!
* People always tell me how beautiful my mom is...I agree!
* All I really want to be when I grow up, is just like you!
Mom, you are the most awesome momma! I am so blessed to have been given a best friend for a mom! I admire so much about you and I hope that you know that every day of your life..not just Mothers day. Happy mothers day!!!
Easy Brownie Recipes
11 months ago
Well that was about the sweetest thing I've ever read!!!!!
You are such a sweet precious daughter..I could go on and on but I know ya gotta catch up on the Farmgirl Blogs and projects!!!!!:)
I just love that picture of my little "chickie"!!! She is the "monca"(MONSTER) I have created!!!Sorry- but it's my duty to the sole grandchild I see regularly!!
I personally know the English teacher she had and i would be more than happy to give you the name and her location.
Do you want to roll her house? Or do a driveby and egg it?
Or call her outside and throw erasers at her head?(that would actually be the one i would do.)
Okay, i know that sounds very un- Christlike.
But, hey ..... what do they say now? when thare protective of their friends.
"Autumn, i got your back."
Me and Bekah are just venting.
not really.
I already have a case of toliet paper in the trunk of my car.
aunt marilyn
You could not have given your mom a sweeter gift. Now I love her even more too! LOL
Sounds to me like you are both very blessed to have each other!
That's the most beautiful tribute I've ever read!! Just made me teary eyed and it takes a bit to do that~Mom AND daughter are pretty durn awesome. hugs,
There's my soap page.
Don't worry, if you have an interest in something, you'll probably get around to learning it in the future when the time is right.
I'm your mom's age, and I just learned how to make soap a couple years ago. LOL
A few years ago, I decided I was going to try and learn "something new" every year. This year is crocheting , it seems. I knew how to do some simple crochet stitches since I was a kid, but never really DID or MADE anything with them until now. ha! Not that I'm making extravagant tablecloths or ever will, but I'm just happy to be able to make some kitchen stuffs myself. Give me a "Holla" when you want to make your first soap batch~I'll help where I can. ~ B
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