Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Comming In AUGUST 2009 ! ! ! !

This is GOOD!

This, not so much...
It's officially GOOD NEWS!

Went to the doctor Friday, who confirmed that all is well and we can expect a little one sometime in early August.

We got to see a steady little heartbeat and a teeny weeny itty bitty baby!



Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Woohoo!! Yahoo!!! Will be watching for more pictures of that growing bebe. :0)

Queen of Dreamsz

Lyssa Beth said...

My oh my! Congratulations. I feel you on the puking and morning sickness! I HATE being pregnant! Anyways, that's so exciting!!

Katrina said...

yay! Congratulations! You are right behind me! =) The morning sickness sucks, but try getting some of the Ginger people's Ginger hard candies. They really help, and they taste good!

Autumn said...

WELL FINALLY you announced it!!!!
I was about to burst from keeping it in!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! I am sooo excited for you. I am glad you are puking. It means a healthy baby and pregnancy!!I will be praying for you.