Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pumpkin Seed is Pumpkin Crazy!


Our first pumpkins of the season...Abby and I have big plans for these but for now, they are just hanging out on our front porch steps~just lookin' as cute as they can be.

I have been EXTREMELY busy with very *ahemm* important things...

Abby and I decided to go to the mall Saturday and spend some time looking at girl things~

Abby got to shop around at the Libby Lou shop where there is lots of glitter and feathers and PiNk and fun girly girl stuff....She loved testing out the Pixie Dust - - - - - - - - ->
.....She loves braclets.......
And what would a trip to the mall be if you didn't get a GiAnT BuBbLe GuM bALL and an OlD FaShIoNeD LoLlIpOp???
AND THEN.......
We went to see MawMaw and PawPaw where Abby spread out on the floor and "TOLD" mawmaw to go get her toys "please"....

OK.... Comming up tomorrow, check in for a look at a recent crochet project. I know I've been known for hatin' on crochet *BUT* you'll see why I had to do it!

Tonights Menu: Pan fried Pork Steaks, homemade mashed potatoes with gravy and buttery greenbeans..And mm' mm' was it goood!


Autumn said...

I can just see her giving Maw Maw orders!!!! Makes me laugh!!
She gets the bracelet thing from me- I love em too!

KKJD1 said...

How fun shopping! I love pumpkins too and anything fallish. Blessings, Karen

Leah said...

Your little girl is adorable!! My little guy is 3 and he's such a boy. He hates to shop. *sigh* I've been at your blog a few times before and have enjoyed seeing your creative projects. I'll be over again soon to see your crocheted project! :)

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hey, What time is dinner?! Boy, does that sound good. :0)
