Friday, September 12, 2008

Checking in again...

Just doing a lot of waiting over here....Everyone has taken naps and is well rested for the long night ahead. I just made a trip out to buy some more munchies and "boredom" food......I went to every store that was open and stocked up on different things...BOTH stores occupied a few National Guardsmen baring arms and looking quiet official.
Just whipped this up today for our new little niece Kalleigh....

I cooked Migas and toast for dinner tonight...Cooking gives me something to do while we wait and it keeps Andrew and Abby happy.

This is just a picture of part of our backyard...The wind is starting to pick up and it's an eerie darkness outside.

1 comment:

mysteryhistorymom said...

What a frightening picture! How are you doing?? Lori