Monday, September 15, 2008

Back to my old ways...

After months of pinning color swatches to the wall I finally picked a color I could live with. I painted the East Living Room wall and the extended dining room wall Sherwin Williams "Olde World Gold". With pops of vibrant reds and golds the wall comes to life and looks beautiful!
Check it out!


Lacey said...

I love your new walls! It looks great. I am glad you wrote on my blog. I didnt even know you had one. Hopefully I will keep up to date better this way!

Autumn said...

The gold is fantastic!!!
I love the rich "feel" of it!!!
Good job,girl! Now get back to your crochet!!! :)

KKJD1 said...

Love the walls. Great color! Your new niece is precious too! Hope you and family are doing well. I have been really tied down with homeschooling the boys so I dont have time to blog much. I know its worth it though. Hope you have a great weekend. Blessings, Karen