Saturday, June 28, 2008

While we wait...

I'm awaiting my next Doctor visit on Monday when I should know more about whats going on with my pregnancy. I had more bloodwork done today and it shows that My HCG levels have risen ( which is a good thing) but they are still slightly low so I really wont know much until I talk to the doctor monday, so KEEP PRAYING! ; )
While I am waiting and staying off my feet I figured I'd show an update on Abbys room.
I added these cute bracket-less shevles that i found on sale at Lowes, and also decorated these wooden letters with scrapbook paper. I have had this vision in my mind for so long and finally I found all my "ideas" on sale!

ok, here's an idea of about what her room has cost so far...

2 gallons of "top of the line paint that I got suckered into by a good salesman" $60 total

Mirror 2$ at a garage sale plus $2 for a can of spray paint to paint it.

3 bracketless shelves from Lowes 20$ total (9$, 7$ and 4$)

Brightly colored stacking boxes on shelf $2 at Ikea in Dallas

And that banner I sewed for her room was about $15 dollars total for the fabric and bias tape.

Soooooo, the GRAND TOTAL for Abbys room, so far..IS $101

Thursday, June 26, 2008

To all my Blog friends, with a hug!

I can't tell you how much I have been encouraged by receiving so many comments and prayers this week! I have received so many personal notes and words of encouragement and God has truly been good to me! I got some good news today! My HCG levels have risen, which means there may still be a healthy baby in there! I got a call from the lab today, and they said that since my last blood work, my HCG levels have risen and that if they go up some more by Saturday, then I will have an ultrasound to see whats going on. Possible a miscarriage of a twin, maybe just a weird miscarriage altogether but I do have hope. I'm not afraid to have hope and be disappointed because what is life without hope? I am EXCITED and hoping for the best. But most of all prayer full about the whole situation. Please continue to pray for me and my pregnancy and I'll post updates as soon as I get them!


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

* Giveaway Winner *

Thanks to all for visiting my blog, and for all of your sweet compliments! As promised, Abby drew a winners name today and the winner is...


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Always a Mother

I'll always be your mother, and you'll always be my childA mothers love knows no bounderies and no matter how short of a time I held you in my wombI will always cherish the closness we had for these few weeks. Your tiny existence was celebrated and cherished from the very moment we knew of you.I can only imagine how much more God must cherish holding you in the palm of his hand today. Even though you were so small, and didn't even have a name, I know you were mine and thats all that matters.People say this happens everyday,but I will alwasy be your mother, and you will always be my child.Size and time, and identity and gender don't ever cross my mind because I am your mother and you will always be my child.
June 24, 2008

I have had a few complications with my very new pregnancy, and today i learned that I will not be able to carry this baby for much longer. Even though I was only six weeks along, I feel a very big loss and saddness. I have hoped and prayed for another baby for almost a year and I was overjoyed that I was gonna be a momma again. I know this is a very early miscarriage, but just the same I have lost a baby. A tiny little soul lived with me for six weeks and fo rthat I am grateful. Everyday, I read pregnancy books about what kind of development the baby was experienceing on certain days and I was so anxious to see a sonogram or hear a heartbeat soon. God has his ways of bringing us back in touch with life, and love and with our emotions and our softer side. I know God only has my best interest in mind and I can only look forward to the future and rejoice for everything that I do have, even if it was only mine for a while.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Just a Reminder!

Don't forget to leave a comment for the giveaway happening THIS wednesday! Scroll down a couple of posts and leave a comment for a chance to win some goodies!

Friday, June 20, 2008

~Fairy Wand~ TA-DA!

Got this idea from a blogger friend....her's just turned out soooooo cute I had to try them. Visit her blog for the EaSy Instructions. (oh, AND she's having a giveaway! Sign up!!!)
Anyway, the wand turned out so nice and I'm going to let all the little girls make these at Abbys birthday party. I bought all the supplies today. My pics are VERY bad but I'm tired and in a hurry. Anyway....TA DA! Don't you love them?!!

Cheap "rubber" Stamps

I'm not a big fan of rubber stamps, simply because I think they cost too much. I'm working on a project though, and I kinda ran out of idea and decided to look for a rubber stamp. I just couldn't pay 14$ though. I dont care how many times I ever used it, I dont think I would ever feel like I got 14$ worth out of it : ) ANyway, I'm sure you have seen these clear stamps that they sell in sheets of eight or ten...well ,the sheets of stamps are only about 4 dollars but the acrylic stamp block is where they get you...ten dollars! So I picked up a pack of the stamps and two of these solid wooden blocks (99 cents each)and used my trusy ole' E600 glue to stick them to the blocks. Now I have 12 different stamps, on two blocks, for under eight dollars!!!! WOO HOO! I'm sure I'm not the first person do do this but I just thought I'd share the idea for all you other "frugal" crafters!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


OK! Since I've been slacking in the Blogging department ( due to my trip to Dallas for a week) I'm making it up to you with a giveaway! YAY! I have a VeRy RaNdOm assortment of things that I have put together (I might add a couple more things to the stash before I send it off : ) but it's a prize sure to make you smile~because it's FREE! Who doesn't like a freebie huh?
So anyway, just leave a comment on this post letting me know you'd like to be entered in the drawing and I draw a name on Wednesday June 25th ( exactly a week from today)
Good luck everyone!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


What is this stuff doing in my house???? I bet you can guess!
I'M PREGO! We're expecting our second little one sometime around February 16th, 2009 ! I'm so excited...we ALL are! Abby will be two next month so I think it's pretty good timing. I found out while we where in Dallas. As much as I have planned and hoped and waited for this to happen, I don't think you can ever really be prepared ENOUGH to find out that you're pregnant. I am definatly overjoyed and SO ready to get this whole thing going. I do dread the morning sickness because I had it so bad with Abby. But hopefully I can be pro-active and be better prepared this time :) Thinking back on my last are a few things I learned LAST time that I wont have to relearn this time...

* I do not expect to get any sleep whatsoever until the baby is more than 8 months old at least.
* the last four weeks of pregnancy are the most uncomfortable.
* There are NO natural Incuction methods that work...period : )
* Whoever called morning sickness " MORNING" sickness was an idioit. It lasts all day and night for three months.
* People have WAY to much advice and comments on pregancy and birth but I Dont HAVE to listen to any of them...HA HA HA!
* Say bye bye to any kind of love life you have, for nine months.
* Maternity clothes CAN be hip! I'm going to prove it : )
* Nothing on earth is as amazing as seeing a little baby, barely a day old, look up at you and recognise you!


WOW! I'm suprised and flattered to see that even though I haven't posted in about a week, I still have some faithful readers! I just love getting comments on my blog and when I got back home from Dallas, the first thing I did was read all my new comments!

Right now, my house it UpSiDe DoWn...I haven't even unpacked or started the laundry. I just can't resist the urge to blog about my week. PLUS, there are some REALLY GREAT ANNOUNCENMENTS comming up!

FIRST, I wanted to show off my prizes from Jane Says ! She sent me a lovely package of "beachy" scrapbooking things! A scrapbook, and some super fun beach stickers and bright summery tags! Now this is a good way to scrap away the summer !

Ok, I just have TOO much news and pictures to share but you'll have to check back later for the rest of it. I absolutly HAVE to get some laundry done right now. YOU BETTER come back this afternoon for the BIG reveal and a special announcement! I PROMISE you don't wanna miss this!

Look in the tag section of this post for a clue as to whats comming up!

Monday, June 9, 2008

SHE Makes That Dress Look Beautiful!

I found this white eyelet fabric at the thrift store and couldn't resist making it into a dress for Abby. It doesn't fir perfectly, but then again, I didn't claim to be a proffessional ; )

* Sorry about the quality of the Pictures... We had a really sunny day today and I just didn't feel like goin' all fancy with my pictures. In case you can't tell, under the white eyelet fabric is a tiny yellow check fabric that barely shows through the eyelet. The little straps are also yellow check.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Treats, Sweets and An Ugly Bookmark

Well, today is a bummer day. My lil' sister is vacationing in Galvaston with her new hubby ( lucky girl!), my mom and dad and little bro are off to the Big D to take care of some moving of furniture for my grandma, my husband went to work out of town for the day on an emergency weekend job, and Abby and I are alittle under the weather with allergies. I guess I shouldn't complain too much because this past week has been ok for me as far as accomplishing a few things and spending time with my favorite girl-friend ( ABBY of course!). Here are some of the highlights of the week.
TODAY, I got my very first order of soap from Dayln at HICK CHICKS SOAP BARN! It really brightened up my mornign to get that package in the mail! Her soap is unbeleivabley yummy smelling and beautiful! I'm definaly a faithful customer now! I would suggest to everyone to try at least ONE of her natural soap's a real treat!

I found these books to add to Abbys Little Golden Book collection. They look really old on the outside but when I opened them they are a 50th Anniversary edition copy. I just adore these books!

I have been wanting to try the recipe for Honey Bun Cake, that I found at The Sugar Plum Cottage. I decided to bring it to our Friday Bible Study meeting for all the ladies to enjoy. I TOTALLY forgot they are doing a weight-loss program (competition) and it was the FIRST day of weigh-in's! Poor girls. I think they ate a few pieces of it because I had gone to the trouble to make it but most of it went to the kids :) It was SOOO good! Really sweet and sugary! Make sure you drink lots of milk with this one! I'll be making this one again for my sweetie!

Last and LEAST, I made this UgLy bookmark over the week. You know when you TRY to be creative it just turns out like poop?! Well, here is an example. I absoulutly HATE this bookmark. BUT, if there is anyone out there that loves shoes and likes this bookmark, I'll send it to you as a freebie! Just post a comment and I'll email you for an address. I think if no one takes it, it shall be disposed of...i'm telling you, I hate it THAT much...
Anyway, I have a couple projects in the works but don't know if they will be finished before I leave for Dallas this week on Wednesday. I started a dress for Abby and I need to put the buttons on the back, and also, I need to finish soem lil' snappy kitchen towles for my mother in law. I think that's about all I have going on for now. I'm sure I'll think of something else to add ; )

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

~Chicken Chipulos Recipe~

This is similiar to Chicken Enchiladas

10oz can of cream of mushroom soup
10oz can of cream of chicken soup
2 cups shredded chicken (cooked)
1 onion chopped
1 (8oz) container of sour cream
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
8 (10 inch round) flour tortillas
1 tablespoon of taco seasoning

Preheat Oven to 350.
Sprinkle about 1 tablespoon of taco seasoning over chicken and cook in skillet until no longer pink. let cook then shreed or chop into bite size pieces.
Combine soups, chicken, onion and sour cream in bowl: set aside.
Rip flour tortillas into bite size pieces and layer 1/3 of the tortillas on bottom of 9x13 inch casserole pan. Add a layer of the chicken mixture then a layer of chedder. Repeat layering twice making sure to end with cheddar on top layer.
Bake for 1 hour and serve.

Monday, June 2, 2008

New Bookmark ~RockNRomance~

Major Baditude!!!