Sunday, February 15, 2009

Getting a Head start on Summer!

My camera has been in a a funk lately..possibly due to all 3000 pictures that Abby took when she got ahold of it...So now that it's all cleared up, here are some pictures to get caught up.I just thought this picture was hilarious! She apparently took an interest in photographing the contents of the TRASH CAN! Lets see, we have an empty sprite bottle, some left over Cinnamon toast crunch cereal, an empty Bubbles container, a beef fajita

Abby's been Practicing her swing for TEE ball in a couple years! PawPaw gave her some pointers on how to make a home run and she's been at it ever since!
When she hits the ball you are COMMANDED to cheer and clap and say "go Abby GO!" until she finishes
I glanced out the back door earlier this week and Abby was sitting just like this, all alone, blowing bubbles. I think she's taking after me and the sunglasses thing...


We've been busy getting our flower beds ready for spring and Abby carefully tends to her little seedlings every day.
My HONEY bought me some very beautiful Carolina Jasmine plants for valentines day and I just LOVE them! Can't wait to see how they look this summer! He also bought me two BIG Coreopsis plants...Forgot to take a picture of those.

AND, for the more glamorous me, he bought....

Juicy Couture's "Viva La Juicy" perfume and lotion set!!!!

Glamorous! Glamorous!


Autumn said...


I LOVE the trellis'- and you know I love the jasmine!!!!!!
What a sweetie you have!!!! :)

Autumn said...

Forgot to mention the glamour/sports queen- what a kid!!!!! She is sooo funny!
Quite a photographer,too!!!!

Toni said...

Your daughter is beautiful and can I tell you how jealous I am that you can be outside in a t-shirt and flip-flops? I miss living in a warm place!!

KKJD1 said...

What a cutie in her shades blowing bubbles! Love the valentines yall made such a great idea! Your flowers are pretty too. Hope you have a great day! Blessings, Karen

Bekah said...

Toni! Thanks for stopping by!
girl I could not live any more North than I am...I get so depressed during th winter...I HATE cold weather and snow and ice...I couldn't deal with it If we had long
If i can't go out in shorts and flip flops then I just stay inside and