Sunday, December 28, 2008

Free Indeed!

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?”
Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever.
Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed!
I have done some shameful things in my life. But no matter how many time those things are brought back to mind for one reason or another I cannot help but rejoice. It sounds crazy but I honestly don't sulk around in self hatred or guilt about things that I know I I have been forgiven for.
Life just turns out too beautiful to sit in a puddle of regret about the things that have gotten you to the place you are...
I remember a particularly hard and trying time over a year ago when I was being tried in every area of my life and it seemed like I couldn't take one breath without holding the next. Anyway, I remember sitting in a corner, melting down to tears and holding my face in my hands and praying that God would just relieve me...That's the only word that I could think of to pray...RELIEF!
Seconds later I was on my feet pacing back and forth trying to hold back screams of joy as I suddenly realised how beautiful the whole situation really was! I couldn't believe that I was actually thinking what I was thinking! My eyes were opened in a new way to the verse that talks about "rejoicing in tribulation"
Romans 5:3-5
" ...but we glory in tribulations , knowing that tribulation worketh patience;
And patience, experience; and experience, hope:
And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. "
All of the sudden the same situation that seemed to b e my demise, was suddenly an opportunity to watch my faith stand against the power of the world and for me to hold strong to the promises of God that I KNEW were true and to come out on the other side of the battle ALIVE!!!
This is how it FEELS TO BE FREE!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas wishes....

Well, my little blog will be out of commission for about a week. We're leaving town to go to Dallas tomorrow morning to be with Andrews family for Christmas. So, since I'm not going to be keeping you busy laughing at my silly posts, I'll leave you with another assignment for the week...
Pray! For Abby to be well behaved and go to bed EARLY everynight!
For morning sickness not to kick in for me while I'm up there.
No drama.
For this to be a relaxing and peaceful trip for everyone,
and of course for safety on the road....we always need an extra dose of that one : )

Dad, Mom, Luke, Sara , chris, mawmaw, pawpaw, Pawpaw Jack,
I'll miss you all this week! I hope you all have a wonderful time together! Merry Christmas XOXOXO
" Enjoy the day's simple pleasures and may those pleasures, simply make your day." Joe M. Galante

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Comming In AUGUST 2009 ! ! ! !

This is GOOD!

This, not so much...
It's officially GOOD NEWS!

Went to the doctor Friday, who confirmed that all is well and we can expect a little one sometime in early August.

We got to see a steady little heartbeat and a teeny weeny itty bitty baby!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Baby on the Brain!

I bought this sweet little pair of vintage baby shoes at a garage sale about 4 months ago , and right away I had a plan for them. I painted the little "booties" PiNk, re-strung the laces with some sweet pink ribbon and glittered the outer leather with ultra fine pink-pearl glitter...I just had to add a little fairy, and the "baby love" sign to finish it off...
Sarahs bab y is due in march and I made this as a little keepsake to bring with her when she goes to the hospital and she can put all the little keepsake things in it, and it serves as a cutsie decoration for the hospital room...
I kept Abbys little craddle label with her name on it, from the hospital, her armband ID and mine, and the little hat that she wore during our hospital stay....
Isn't it PreCiOuS????

Beautiful Life

How can you put into words the beauty of life itself,
There is no ruler by which to measure the greatness of all of our struggles,

There is no weight by which to scale the depth of our hurts,

Without betrayal, without disappointment, there is no appreciation of honesty, or of promises kept.

The beauty of life is not in its perfection and ease,

But it is in seeing the strength of our own calves and our own will to stand in spite of gusting winds of torment.

We come thought trials ALIVE, and our blood flows with zeal to press on, to test our strength against an army of a thousand more...we find beauty, not in the waters of trouble but in the glory of defeat! RE

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas is in the Air!

My sweet Abby and I....I LOVE that girl!
We are blessed to have our sweet little Paw Paw around for another Christmas...He is all smiles when Abby visits him and just about all he says is "She SO Beautiful"...

My newest decoration...
Guess where this pretty Peacock lives?
In my purple and gold "froo froo" christmas tree!
My latest bargain find...Im thrilled with this perfect little side table. Minus the laptop and all the clutter around it, it looks great!