Friday, August 15, 2008

Rainy Day Sewing Project

It's been cloudy and rainy all day so I dusted off the ole' sewign machine and whipped up this cute little night mask.
This is one of those things that I can make alot of and save them for Christmas gifts and birthdays.


Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Very Cute sleep masks Bekah!! I got your special package..come on over to see me at queenofdreamsz. :0)

Beth said...

I love the sleep mask! Your quilting looks so perfect.

mysteryhistorymom said...

Bekah- They are darling! What a fabulous idea! Lori

Robin Beck said...

Super cute~ I really love the color of the fabric you used.
They would be perfect gifts!

Katy said...

That is so cute!!! I need someone to thread my machine...LOL. Then I can sew too!!!

Ambrosia said...

Hey!! I just found your blog for the first time. we missed you today. Been praying for ya. Its kinda funny, your phone keeps calling me. : ) I say hello and i hear my sweet Abby in the background just a talking. It really makes my day. I love the rainy day project. Have a great weekend.

Ambrosia said...

I just found your blog for the first time. I love the layout. : ) I just wanted you to know we missed ya today. Hope all is well.
I really think its cute, your phone has been calling me lately. I pick it up and I hear that sweet Abby just a talking. It really makes my day. I love the rainy day project. I really enjoy your work. Hope to see you next friday. Have a great week!

Lyssa Beth said...

That is so cute and such a great gift idea!! It seems not to hard but then again, i'm not a sewing pro. I love the fabric you used too! Nice job.

KKJD1 said...

How cute that is so pretty you have the greatest taste for picking out cloth and love the little birdie you made your mom. Have a great weekend. Blessings, Karen

mysteryhistorymom said...

Bekah- I'm so glad you liked geocaching! My husband is absolutely addicted! Lori