Monday, August 11, 2008

~Inexpensive Decorating Project~

This is my latest decorating project. I wish I could give credit to the person that came up with this idea originally but I saw it on a blog a while back and never bookmarked it or saved the blog page. Anyway, I plan to hang these in my dining room after I get it painted. I might add a few more to the collection before they go up on the wall. I bought these plates at a local thrift shop for 50 cents each! The wooden cut outs where about $2 at Micheals and I just super glued them right onto the plates! I LOVE how they look! You can paint the wooden cut outs whatever color you like...I choose dark brown for mine.


Lyssa Beth said...

That is such a great idea!! It turned out really cute!!

K E Fleck said...

that is totally a cute a idea!

I can see that being neat with different styles of plates and platters, too ....

Hmmmm, the mental gears are turning .... LOL thanks for the inspiration!

Tangee said...

This looks FAB...I LOVE IT. You are so creative. Hon, I just love coming over here to read your blog. I plan on adding you to my blog, just need to sit down and do it.

mysteryhistorymom said...

Great job! Thanks for sharing this project with us!:-) Lori

Renee said...

Hi.Found your blog through a comment you posted somewhere & was curious what part of LA you are in?I was born and raised in Lafayette & lived in Carencro as a teen.Now I'm in Michigan.Renee

KKJD1 said...

Hey Bekah, Just wanted to ask a little favor. Linda over at Behind my red door is having a fall giveaway. If you can please go over and leave her a comment saying I sent you and I will get extra credit, plus you get registered for a great fall giveaway. You can go to my blog to get the link. If you dont have time or just dont wont to be involved in the giveaway thats okay too. Wont hurt my feelings a bit. Hope you have a great day. Blessings, Karen