Saturday, August 2, 2008

~Cherry Tea Towel~ and Misc. Other Stuff !

I whipped up this little Cherry Tea Towel last night. I'm sending this off to a sweet friend that blessed me with a small gift and a cheery card a couple of weeks ago. I think it's a pretty funky little thingy! Can't wait to send it off in the mail!

I recieved this sweet little note in the mail this week, from miss Stephanie (aka QUEENOF DREAMZ at MJF) and I was so suprised and blessed by her thoughfulness. I LOVE the little charms she sent! I am amazed at all of the people who have taken the time to write me and comment on my blog and remind me that they are thinking of me during my troubles with my last pregnancy! Look slike another little thank you gift will be in the works sometime soon, for miss Stephanie!
P.s. BAD HAIR DAY ALERT! Sorry folks, this is me on "fonky hair day" : )

Abby and I visited Paw Paw twice this week. He loves to see Abby! Abby was all decked out with her sunglasses and PAwPAw decided he wanted to try them on!
Sweet HUGS!
On the way out Abby decied to stop and "pet" the stone Sheep in the court yard! She was patting them so gently... CuTe!!!!


KKJD1 said...

Times are great when spent with grandpas! I sure miss mine.
The cherry tea towel is too cute. Hope you have a great weekend.
Love ya ,Karen

Lyssa Beth said...

That is an adorable towel! I love fruit anything!
And your little girl is such a cutie. And i'm honored to find a fan of my blog! Thanks for support :) You've got great stuff on here!!

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Paw Paw looks too cool in the pink sunglasses!!'s never too late to be having fun. :o)

The cherry towel is precious..I'm glad you liked the card and the charms..thought they could used in many ways other than wearing them, ya know?

Y'all stay safe during the hurricane! I'll be checking on y'all.

Hugs to ya, Steph