Sunday, January 20, 2008

This Week

This past week has been pretty off schedule so any sewing and crafting I did was a last minute idea that was put together pretty fast. I made the flower pin cushion for myself because I wanted to try out the idea. Now I worked out a few kinks in my pattern and If I decide to make one for someone else I'll have a better idea of how to do it. I made the pink card for my sweet hubby. His job requires him to travel around the state for several days at a time and I thought this was a good "welcome back" card to let him know i missed him. The first Valentines Day after we got married, I bought a minature mailbox, about the size of a pop tart box ( sorry, it's the first example that came to mind: ) and it has hearts al over it. I put it on our nightstand and anytime the flag is up that means he has a letter or a note or a gift inside...the only regret I have about that idea is that I wish i had bought one for HIM to put presents for ME in too!!! LOL Anyway, It's kinda cheesey but I'm a beleiver in "random acts of kindness" to build a strnger happier marriage. Now that I look at the card it's a bit girly to give to a man but i think he gets a kick out of my ambitious artwork : )

I spent a few days hanging out with mom and dad and the younger kids ( who aren't really as young as I make them sound ) and it was a blast! I forgot how much fun it is to sit around and visit and laugh in the evenings without the television on. We all have such a funny sense of humor I dont know if we actually talked or laughed more. It's the last few months of my baby sisters single life and it feels weird that she is about to leave the nest. It's weird seeing her grow up and plan a wedding. But I am so happy that she found her prince..even IF he steals her from us occasionally: ) Mom and Dads house has such a peaceful and calming effect on me. My mom is the best ( hugs mom!!!) She and I talked and laughed and cooked and cleaned and worked on wedding was like havinga slumber party with my best friend!

So, this week ended on a positive note. I feel rested, inspired, encouraged and optomistic! Everyone needs to go home sometimes! ( and I say that like my HOME is far away...I live six miles from my parents house ( the house I lived in all my life) and I visit several times a week ussually..I guess you can never get too much of a good thing though!!!!!)

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