Thursday, January 8, 2009

Super A!

There was a little Super Hero in need of a cape this morning so I whipped up this little ditty and it works perfectly!

Super Abby was rescuing babies and grannies and toys ALL MORNING! I honestly wish I could share a pattern ot tutorial on this one but it came right off the top of my head and I just made it up as I went. Im putting that blue polka dot fabric to good use and I guess I better since I have 20 more yards of it! Ahhh!


Autumn said...

I was rescued by SUPER ABBY today!
She even treated me to a picnic on the floor with PB&J!!!!!
WHEW! Sure glad this super hero was around!

a rescued Granny

Jason The Bald Guy said...

absolutely adorable!

tell her her uncle jason thinks she is a cutie pie!

Lacey said...

What a creative Mommy! Those little things (well, big for some of us that cant just WHIP up a cape for our kids:), are the things she will tell for years to come, like Justin's "scary horses"! I wonder where you get that creativity from?!! Hmmm...

Lacey said...

OH, and you are welcome. I got your note on my blog. I truly enjoyed making those things for my nephews and neices this year. Wish I could have been there in person to see her with her gown.