Sunday, January 25, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Giveaways Galore!!!

Woo hoo! You know one of my favorite things to do is find FREE STUFF! So here ya go...a few blog giveaways that you can get in on too!
Mrs. Karen at Farm Girlin' Georgia Style is hosting a giveaway for this...

~~~The Serenity Room is also hosting a giveaway so click HERE to hop on over and enter for some sweet suprises!~~~

One of my favorite Blggers ever MRS SUSIE HARRIS is hosting a VERY awesome giveaway for one of her personalised, hand painted name signs..Aren't they THE BEST!?!?!Bold


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Special Birthday Girl!

Happy Birthday Momma!
Love, The Girls!
Click here to send her some birthday love on her blog!!
Thank you for being our ( Me, Sara and Abbys) Bestest girlfriend! We love you!
This is a snapshot of who my mom is (below)
Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Thank you for holding the bar so high and letting us all see what beauty really is...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Super A!

There was a little Super Hero in need of a cape this morning so I whipped up this little ditty and it works perfectly!

Super Abby was rescuing babies and grannies and toys ALL MORNING! I honestly wish I could share a pattern ot tutorial on this one but it came right off the top of my head and I just made it up as I went. Im putting that blue polka dot fabric to good use and I guess I better since I have 20 more yards of it! Ahhh!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Requested Pattern * Here it is!

I've had requests to share the Apron pattern for this apron I made for Abby last summer.
II didn't really follow a pattern but I did get the idea from THIS tutorial. I plan on doing my own tutorial for it soon. Mine was double lined and reversable so no raw edges or seams show...It's SO cute and Abby loves it! The best thing about it is that it is adjustable so it'll be a while before she out grows it : )

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hormonal Madness....It's GREAT!

"It is my strict policy that no one cries alone in my presence..."

Dolly Parton ("Clairee") in Steel Magnolias

I stole away a few minutes this evening to watch "Steel Magnolias" and boy was it a party...for me at least. I half laughed and half cried when I realised I was sitting, propped up with three pillows in bed, eating double chocolate Cookies and dipping them in milk and crying my eyes out about a chick flick....all by myself. Not that I wanted any company at all, it's just that I realised how pathetic I must look. : 0

I have to say I kind of enjoy this part of pregnancy. I remember watching "The Notebook" when I was seven months pregnant with Abby. We were in Dallas at Andrews Uncles house with some other couples, all spread out in the media room, when everyone hears a *GASP* and I pull the covers up over my mouth, but the wailing could not be hidden. I think they were amused but thankfully I wasn't the only pregnant gal there so we decided to all get together and watch the movie another time without the guys so we could all "cry together" : ) Good

Another highlight of the day was my dinner (sad but very true...i love me some good food!) My sweet charmimg precious little husband made me the BEST dinner I have ever had. I was SO hungry for some meatballs and gravy, and mashed potatoes and corn and he made me just that! There's a picture post coming up on that subject...I'll just say this, I've given up cooking duties for life! We'll see what he thinks of that : )
Ok, Just a last little note, keep me in your prayers this Monday. I'll be seeing the cardiologist and be set up on a heart monitor for a week just to make sure everything is A-ok with the BP and Arrhythmia. YIPPEE! And the best part showers! EEEEWWWEEE!!!! We'll see what kind of deal I can make with the Doc on that subject...that's just plain insensitive : (
Ok, everyone! CHEERS! There's a new week ahead of us!!

Friday, January 2, 2009


To all my fellow "Fashionistas", YOU HAVE to go enter this giveaway! She's giving away a load of beauty and cosmetic goodies....Juicy Coutures "Viva la Juicy" Parfume, Arbonne products, MAC and CHI products, just to name a few... I'm all over this one! Good luck girls!