Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A LONG picture post!

Last week was pretty busy so let me get you up to date on everything.
Abby had Faith over to play on Thurday. They spent the whole day together, playing dress up having tea parties, swinging on the swingset and running around teh backyard and finally settled down for a movie and some popcorn!
Friday was Sulphur Homecomming day so we all packed our bags and went to hang out on Cypress street to watch the parade and cathc some candy...Abby was counting EVERY piece. She took a few breaks to hugg on Granny!

On Saturday we FINALLy bought the King size sleigh bed we've been dreaming of! It's so nice!!!

Then Saturday evening it was party time at our house! Everybody came over to Play the WII and we ate Nachoes and had key lime pie for dessert! Saturday nights are the best!

You can always count on these two sillys to sneak off in the middle of the party and find soemthing better to do...in this case, it was making a tent in Abbys floor : )
SUnday was church and I happened to walk past the play room and see these girls chatting and giggling right beofre church started...HOW SWEET!
Moms house for Sunday lunch..and friends! I LOVE being at home! Its my favorite place of all! SEE me smilling!
Maggie ( the "free pet" squirel) pirch herself on the wood box outside the ding room window and spied on all the ladies in the kitchen...Abby went outside to keep her company and feed her a nut : )
MONDAY was the Big day to find out that Sara and Chris are having a........GIRL!!!! Abby was so amazed to see the baby on the ultrasound and is now obsessed with the fact that "deedee has a baaby!" Cant wait to hold her! Abby will finally have a cousin to be best friends with! Im so glad she will get to grow up with her little cousin so close by!
Thats about all the big news for the week end..Im pooped so Im going to relax and hopefully I'll have some time to blog late tomorrow! Ta-ta!


Autumn said...

Made me happy all over again - just looking at the pictures!!!!

KKJD1 said...

Wow alot going on there to. Congrats on being an aunt! My kids and there cousins just love playing even though mine are alot older they still love to play with the little ones! The squirrel is so cute I had a pet one when I was growing up. Oh the memories! Have a great day. Blessings, Karen

KKJD1 said...

Just wanted to drop in and let you know I was thinking about you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Blessings, Karen

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

I'm tellin ya, y'all are always having such a grand time! Your family is tops. :0) And that sleigh bed is to die for!!!
