Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A special Prayer...

"For God is not the author of confusion but of peace..." I Corinthians 14:33

It almost seems overwhelming to regain order and structure in my house after I've let a lot of things go for so long, but I still believe I can get us back on track with a lot of effort and a lot of prayer.
Please pray for me this week while I try to cut out the "nonsense" in my life and focus on whats important.
Order and structure in,
spending quality time with Abby, Abbys bedtime routine and discipline.
I need to restructure my sleeping schedule, meal planning and grocery shopping, rethink the amount and importance of errands I run during the week.
Cut down on Tv and computer time and crafting time. Try to maintain an overall peaceful and less-stressed atmosphere in our home.
I think even with a christian husband guiding the family, a lot of the household structure is up to the woman of the house. We set the tone for the whole family. The mood of the rest of our family even depends on what kind of mood we wake up in. It's a great responsibility but I don't think any woman is truly happy until she has surrendered to her God given duty to make her home a resting place for all who enter.

Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

Proverbs 31:25-27

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Reality check

I went on an adventure.
I drove 200 miles.
I took a break.
I held a baby.
I fell asleep on the couch.
I ate someone else's cooking.
I stayed up till 2am crying and laughing with a sister in law that had a broken heart and uncovered my own to her.
I got a tattoo.
I got dressed up.
I felt beautiful.
I witnessed a middle aged couple say their vowels and saw a tear fall from a fathers eye.
I watched my two year old eat a chocolate cupcake.
I wore my cheap sunglasses and felt cool.
I went shopping.
I bought a hat.
I sang with the radio.
I phoned home.
I missed home.
I came home.

This is MY life! This is ME! My Life is so beautiful! It's so messy, unsure, and unpredictable but how can I be anything but happy! I have a family that loves me! I have so many opportunities to bless the people that are around me! I have so much potential to grow and mature and learn and so much responsibility to can I abandon the life that god has so generously given me and reach for something different?!! This is MY life! This is my gift from God and to the world! I may not be perfect, but I'm perfectly happy being imperfect!
Stop blogging about life and get up off that chair and LIVE IT!!!!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Rainy Day Sewing Project

It's been cloudy and rainy all day so I dusted off the ole' sewign machine and whipped up this cute little night mask.
This is one of those things that I can make alot of and save them for Christmas gifts and birthdays.

Monday, August 11, 2008

~Inexpensive Decorating Project~

This is my latest decorating project. I wish I could give credit to the person that came up with this idea originally but I saw it on a blog a while back and never bookmarked it or saved the blog page. Anyway, I plan to hang these in my dining room after I get it painted. I might add a few more to the collection before they go up on the wall. I bought these plates at a local thrift shop for 50 cents each! The wooden cut outs where about $2 at Micheals and I just super glued them right onto the plates! I LOVE how they look! You can paint the wooden cut outs whatever color you like...I choose dark brown for mine.


The first award goes out to one of my favorite girls in the world! She thought she was getting rid of me when I moved out at 18 but, I still call her every day , no less than 3 or four times!

Here's to you MOMMA! I LOVE YOU! Check out her blog HERE!

This award goes out to Miss Karen ( KKJD) and Miss Lori ( MysteryHistoryMom) for being the BEST blog commentors EVER! They always have a sweet word to say about my silly little creations. I love these ladies! You can't imagine how many times you've made my day by leaving a sweet comment! Thanks for reading!!!

Last but not least, this little award goes out to Dad! I never thought I'd see you in a pair of turquoise Crocs....they look just as bad on you as they do everyone else : ) XOXOXOX

Saturday, August 9, 2008

~ Funky Retro Domino Magnets~

I nearly tripped over my own feet trying to get to these old dominoes I found at a thrift shop. I have been looking for some old ones like this for a while and I was thrilled to find these for $1! I have seen some Etsy shops sell these as funky fridge magnets, but you know I like to make everything myself! Can't stand to spend money on something I could make for it's way more fun!
They were super easy to make! Just used adhesive magnet strips and cut them to the size of the domino and Voila'!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Another great giveawat at BIZZY BEE CREATIONS!

Head over to BIZZY BEE CREATIONS for a great giveaway for little girlies! She makes the cutest hair accesories for little girls and I'm hoping Abby can win one! Also, check out her super cute ETSY SHOP too! Good luck to everyone! Hope you win something!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

~Queen of Hearts~

Just a little something I stitched up for a friend...

Paperdoll Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Paperdoll Frock GIVEAWAY!!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

~Cherry Tea Towel~ and Misc. Other Stuff !

I whipped up this little Cherry Tea Towel last night. I'm sending this off to a sweet friend that blessed me with a small gift and a cheery card a couple of weeks ago. I think it's a pretty funky little thingy! Can't wait to send it off in the mail!

I recieved this sweet little note in the mail this week, from miss Stephanie (aka QUEENOF DREAMZ at MJF) and I was so suprised and blessed by her thoughfulness. I LOVE the little charms she sent! I am amazed at all of the people who have taken the time to write me and comment on my blog and remind me that they are thinking of me during my troubles with my last pregnancy! Look slike another little thank you gift will be in the works sometime soon, for miss Stephanie!
P.s. BAD HAIR DAY ALERT! Sorry folks, this is me on "fonky hair day" : )

Abby and I visited Paw Paw twice this week. He loves to see Abby! Abby was all decked out with her sunglasses and PAwPAw decided he wanted to try them on!
Sweet HUGS!
On the way out Abby decied to stop and "pet" the stone Sheep in the court yard! She was patting them so gently... CuTe!!!!