Monday, February 4, 2008

Valentines Day memories....

Last year on Valentines Day I suprised Andrew with dinner AND entertainment!!! We went to dinner at my favorite italian resteraunt and after dinner we headed to the riverwalk just to see the sunset and kill some time before heading home. I had arranged for two guys from the local college symphony group to play some love songs when we got there. The guys came dressed up in three piece suits and a tie and played the sax and the guitar ( hey, you take what you can get : ) When we arrived they were playing "I'm in the mood for love". It was a perfect evening with the good food, the beautiful sunset and the jazzy music by the water! I wonder what suprises I will come up with THIS year????


Autumn said...

WOW! That WAS last year.
I can't wait to see what happens this year!!! How do you top that????

Katy said...

That is sooo sweet! You thought of the perfect evening! :)