Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Welcome Ryland Tucker!

Our little man was born July 30! Weighing an oz more and a quarter inch longer than his big sister was... 7lbs 10oz and 19 inches long. It's been a super easy transition from three to four in our family and I couldnt have asked for a better three people to share life with than my three sweeties Andrew, Abby and Ryland!
I find it overwhelming to think of updating everyone with whats been going on sine my last blog post back in March so I'm just gonna jump right in where we are now and you'll figure the rest out.
With two little ones cnsuming most of my time now, I have to carefully carve out little crafting sessions during each week and sometimes i dont get around to it at all. Its ussually late at night when the kids are asleep that I sit down with some kind of project and work on it till I cant keep my eyes open any more.
So since crafting isn't at the top of my list of priorities I'll be sharing some other things that have held my interest lately.
With a growing family and an economy that is at it's worst I have been focusing on ways to save money and resourses and stretch everything and anything we have.
Check back tomorrow for my #1 money saving effort!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Check back in a few days for a new blog post!
Here are some hints as to what I have in the works...
* New arrival~ Welcome and introduce our new baby boy
* Cutting Back~ Ways that we are cutting back
* Creativity~ Latest craft projects, home decor, and sewing.
* Food~ A few of my newest favorite recipes and easy meals
* Pictures~ As always I have a ton of pictures to show off!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's ok to Wear a Rummpled Shirt!

I found this short little article on MSN.

Why It's OK to Wear a Rumpled Shirt
In praise of slightly wrinkled clothing, an emotional investment unto itself

A wrinkle-free shirt is like a football uniform without grass stains: It makes you look third string. Hesitant. Pretty. It makes you look correct, yes, but life isn't correct; it's wrinkled. Anyway, wrinkles are a badge. They're evidence that we've hailed a cab or reached for our wallets or leaned back in our chairs or fought something. They're proof that we've moved.
A wrinkle-free shirt is for someone who wants to cover his tracks. It's a safe choice, and in style, safety is not a virtue. Texture is. We should look flawless only when we're standing in front of the mirror in the morning and congratulating ourselves on how wonderful we are.
Then, starting immediately, our clothes should start gathering a history. Attempting to convince everyone around us that we look this sparkly, this utterly without stain or spoil, is pretending we're someone we're not.
It's hiding. And if it comes down to hiding, and it always does, then we'll just put on our jacket.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

SUPER EASY Salt Dough Decorations!

2 c. all purpose flour
1 c. salt
1 c. warm water
Mix salt and flour - add water and knead.
Lightly spray your cookie sheets and begin to shape the dough with your hands into whatever you desire.Bake at 325 degrees for about an hour. You will have to adjust that time according to how large or small you make your pieces.
Paint the shapes with acrylic paint and seal...

Lot's of Sweetness around here!

TA- DA ! ! !
Andrew finished building our shed, with the help of faithful little Abby.
Abby woke up every morning this past weekend and put on her work clothes and set out to "help her daddy build!"
Uncle Drew has been gettin' some lovin' from his favorite little
bundle of sunshine niece!
He doesn't miss out on a chance to "help" Sara out by holding Wendy! Random Family snapshot...
Abby is so sweet and gentle with baby Wendy! She even helps change diapers!

Friday, March 6, 2009

~Lillian Joy~

Before I was born the LORD called me; from my birth He has made mention of my name.
Isaiah 59:1
Lil' Lillian Joy!
March 5th, 2009
I got to snuggle her and hold her for a while today...she's just one big
bundle of cuteness!
I went with the intentions of taking some snapshots of mom and dad and baby,
but once they put her in my arms,
I was good for nothing,
and pictures were a very distant thought : )
Lillian is the baby of six kiddos!
What a rich family!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I'm really tired so, enjoy the new pics! More tomorrow!