Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another quick, late night project...

Sara's bridal shower is tomorrow mornign and at the last minute I realised there was no guestbook for the shower so I had a quick rush of creativity and came up with a Flat Canvas scrapbook page for the guest list, and later she can add the page to her own scrapbook... It ties in with the Pink and Gold theme at the shower. I think it turned out pretty good for a midnight project : )

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Laughter is the result of tickling the soul...

I usually try to keep the mood upbeat on my blog and I figured, what better way to do that than to get a bunch of women rolling on the floor laughing at my silly narration of a bad day. I think most everyone can relate to having at least ONE day similar to this! I wrote this about a week ago. Enjoy! Laughter is the best medicine! started off I was so excited to have a good day I thought it was almost TOO good to be kinda was. Abby peed the bed last night ( MY bed not hers) so I started my morning early, washing sheets, and I decided I should try to get that down feather bed topper cleaned up from the pee so I read the tag and it said to wash on gentle cycle blah blah blah...well, being the smart girl I am I double checked with Andrew if it would be ok to wash it and he said ok.Sooo, I filled the washer with water ( thinking the feather topper would go in easier if the water was already in there) and began stuffing the 500lb feather topper in the 10lb max load washer (Im just guessing numbers here but they seem about right HAHAHAH!) After I had shoved about 1/16 of the feather thing into the washer it wouldn't pack in anymore so I called Andrew to come help me get the other 15/16ths in. He died laughing when he saw that I filled the washer with water first.But now there was no turning back because part of the feather thing was already in the water and wet, and it wasn't going anywhere.....soooooo....he shoved the rest in, simultaneously (however you spell that) over flowing all one hundred gallons of water onto our cheap laminate wood floor in the wash room. I ran for towels and ended up soaking up the water off the floors with 12 towels ( which had just been washed , dried and neatly folded THIS MORNING AT 8AM!) The feather thing has now been washed....miraculously dried after 6 hours of high powered dyer action and is on the bed ready to cushion my tush while I sleep.Also,I didn't bother RE-mopping the floors I had mopped BEFORE the washroom flooded...Abby had a ball splashing in the puddles with her dirty feet and the muddy little footprints all over my clean kitchen floors where just too darn cute to mop up today. BUT, I am happy to say, despite t he setbacks, I managed to get enchiladas on the table at 5:30 ( I have a picture of Abby sprinkling the cheese atop the enchiladas while straddling between a chair and the counter top), dessert was a freshly baked batch of chewy brownies, the bathroom was scrubbed at 10am, the floors where vacuumed by 10am (but not again since the box of apple jacks where strewn across the hallway at 11am), My living room is lacking a layer of dust that I removed also and my baby girl is off to dream land and its only 8:30!WOW! What a day. And I must mention, I even found some time to feed my spirit as I listened to praise and worship music while scrubbing the bathroom and dusting the living room and I was reminded tonight ,when I was JUST about to gripe about how bad my back was aching and how I needed a break....a song that brings a lump to my throat every time I hear the words that I wish I had written myself...Great is thy faithfulness, oh God my Father...Morning by morning new mercies I see, All that I've needed thy hand has provided...great is thy faithfulness Lord, unto me!!!!!That part I know by heart ( thanks to my dad making me turn to every song in the songbook growing up, I truly love this old fashion but forever true hymn!)

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;

There is no shadow of turning with Thee;

Thou changest not, Thy compassion's, they fail not;

As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!Great is Thy faithfulness!Morning by morning new mercies I see.

All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,

Sun, moon and stars in their courses above

Join with all nature in manifold witness

To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth

Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;

Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,

Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!


NOW, tomorrows list...FIND a cd with that song on it : )

Monday, February 25, 2008

A sneak peek...

This is just a little bookmark I made to include in a springtime swap over at MJ Farm. I love it so much I almost talked myself into keeping it!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Yummy, Yummy...CUPCAKES!!!!!

Please check out this tasty giveaway at Garden Goose Blog! You will love the prize!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008




"There's No Place Like Home"

Congratulations to Elizabeth (aka Leezard @MJF) on winning a Keepsake Canvas!

I wish I could have picked each one of you! Thank you all for your sweet comments and for visiting my blog!

Keep an eye on my blog over the next several weeks to take a peek at the Canvas I create for Elizabeth!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Another Spring Giveaway!

Check out this link for a sweet spring fling giveaway from Kay over at the Rustic Cottage! Looks like she has some very pretty things up for grabs!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Supporting our Farmgirls!

It's always great to be able to support a fellow farmgirl AND be entered in her contest drawing! Visit the link and cast your vote for Dawn E. then copy the link to the contest and post it on your blog and you'll be entered in a drawing to win the beautiful Angel artwork that you voted on. But you have to remember to email Dawn at and let her know that you posted a link to the contest page and that you voted for her....easy enough? Now go vote and good luck on winning!!! I LOVE her artwork! Visit her blog to see the rest of her art!

Mail Art!

What better way to start a beautiful " kinda warm" february day than with farmgirl mail!!! Beverly sent me a "thank for the thank you" note, with an adorable little bookmark with sparkley tassels...The handmade envelope was beautiful!!! I'm so ready for spring!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Valentines Day memories....

Last year on Valentines Day I suprised Andrew with dinner AND entertainment!!! We went to dinner at my favorite italian resteraunt and after dinner we headed to the riverwalk just to see the sunset and kill some time before heading home. I had arranged for two guys from the local college symphony group to play some love songs when we got there. The guys came dressed up in three piece suits and a tie and played the sax and the guitar ( hey, you take what you can get : ) When we arrived they were playing "I'm in the mood for love". It was a perfect evening with the good food, the beautiful sunset and the jazzy music by the water! I wonder what suprises I will come up with THIS year????